News archive - Event Announcement: South East European Conference on Innovation

The South East European ERA-NET (SEE-ERA.NET), under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Development, General Secretariat for Research & Technology is organising a conference on Innovation November 29-30 in Thessaloniki (Greece).

SEE-ERA.NET invites to attend the South East European Conference on Innovation, which has the objective to prepare the field for the participation of SMEs and other innovation related structures into the future planned SEE-ERA-NET innovation activities, aiming at:

  • Raising awareness on the potential of joint innovation activities
  • Defining the scope of joint innovation activities, building on common interests of the innovation stakeholders by addressing their specific needs
  • Developing specific innovation related actions and tools
  • Attracting the interest of possible international, national and regional funding bodies to participate in the joint innovation activities

If you intend to participate, we kindly ask you to reply by Friday November 16, 2007 to Dr Nikos Sidiropoulos, Hellenic Ministry of Development, General Secretariat for Research & Technology, International S & T Cooperation Directorate Bilateral Relations Division
Tel: +30 210 7458119
Fax: +30 210 7714153


Entry created by Elke Dall on November 1, 2007
Modified on November 1, 2007