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47% International University of Sarajevo Organisation 24. Jan. 2012
... Founded by the Foundation for Education Development Sarajevo, IUS was inaugurated in the academic year of 2004-2005. It is located in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The university comprises the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Business and Administration and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences . IUS is open to students from all over the world, and the language of instruction and communication is English. Students without English proficiency will attend a ...
... The RRPP Management, hosted at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, is launching a call for regional research project proposals; open to both researchers and institutions from and residing in the Western Balkans. The RRPP Website ( contains information on its partners in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia, as well as details on current and completed research projects. Name of the programme and of the thematic/horizontal area: Call for Regional Research Proposals in the Field of Social Sciences, 2012 Information on funding Programme: Other Specification/themes: Social Sciences Publication Date: 18/01/2012 ...
... for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy-Vice President of the Commission Catherine Ashton and Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle issued the following statement: The EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle welcome the political agreement by political leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the formation of the state government - the Council of Ministers. They are encouraged by this development and look forward to further concrete steps to put Bosnia and Herzegovina firmly back on track towards the EU. Source: Reference:  MEMO/11/948    Date:  29/12/2011   ...
On 9 January 2012 the European Commission submitted a report on "National open access and preservation policies in Europe: Analysis of a questionnaire to the European Research Area Comittee". The reports compares and reports about policies and activities in several EU member states, the questionnaire has also been answered by Montenegro, so you can find this information there as well! In the annex (page 56 and following), useful links also to pages containing information on ...
The TRAIN programme seeks to foster a fruitful policy dialogue between think tanks and political actors in the Western Balkans (i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). Especially with a view to the European integration process, the voice of regional think tanks and their impact upon national policy-making must be strengthened and their visibility and credibility vis-à-vis EU actors enhanced. In order to build the necessary institutional capacity in the countries ...
Scholarship recipients will receive a monthly stipend to cover the tuition fee and cost of living. The scholarship is awarded for three years, conditional on timely fulfilment of all academic and project-related requirements. The call is open to citizens from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. More information is provided in the document attached below. Additional information about the Doctoral programme in Comparative Politics is available at or by email at As part of the Norglobal research project ...
... perceptions of corruption as an obstacle for doing business and their attitudes towards corruption. The paper is based on a survey conducted on the sample of over 1800 business owners and managers in the Western Balkans region. Using the original survey data collected in 2010 for seven countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia – the authors explore business people’s views on the ways in which the business sector is dealing with corruption as well as on the perceived role of private and government agents in curbing corruption. The findings provide useful policy recommendations for ...
... organized by the European Fund for the Balkans, Think Tank Fund and Human Rights and Governance Grants Program of the Open Society Foundations, Foundation for Open Society Serbia, National Endowment for Democracy and Balkan Trust for Democracy and open to members of think tanks and advocacy organisations operating in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (UNSCR 1244 ...
The 4th issue of the SEERA-EI newsletter (December 2011) is available now and include the following topics: Eastern Europe Partnership Event: Policy Makers and National Representatives from the Region Gathered to Deliberate on the Enhancement & Sustainability of eInfrastructures in Eastern Europe National Programme Cookbook Joint Action Plan South East Europe i* Forum took place in Sofia ICT Turkey 2012 Event Bilateral Cooperation between Ministries of Bulgaria and Montenegro ...
... have an SAA with the EU. Total exports of Kosovo to the EU amounted to about €147 mio in 2010. Background In 2000 the European Union established for the first time exceptional unlimited duty-free access to the EU market for nearly all products originating in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo) in Regulation (EC) No 2007/2000). Only wine, sugar, certain beef products and certain fisheries products enter the EU under preferential tariff quotas, as negotiated under the SAAs. The regime was renewed in 2005, and due to expire on ...
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