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This report has been organized by the Human Rights Center of the University of Sarajevo for the University of Freiburg (UF) as a part of the Regional Research Promotion Program in the Western Balkans (RRPP), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The Report provides a survey into the current state of research capacities and research funding opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It reviews research capacities of selected state and private higher education ...
The Gender Alliance for Development Centre in Tirana compiled this report for the University of Fribourg, as a part of the Regional Research Promotion Program in the Western Balkans (RRPP), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The report provides a review and critical analysis of the policies and decision making process related to research work, of the institutions conducting and supporting research in social sciences and it gives an overview of the status of the ...
... Research Programme should aim - among other things - to work upon identified research priorities, to establish provisions for infrastructural investments, to enhance participation in international scientific research projects and to elaborate a systematic education programme for researchers. The Research Programme should be approved for a period of five years by the Kosovo Assembly which also has to provide the funds for the realisation of the programme as proposed by the government. The National Research Programme of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina 2010. Kosovar Research Council
... Serbia (13 agreements): Technical University Vienna (2) University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (1) Vienna University of Economics and Business (1) University of Salzburg (1) Johannes Kepler University Linz (1) Karl-Franzens University Graz (5) Technical University Graz (2) Furthermore, one agreement has been established between the Technical University Vienna and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). Further information is available under the related link. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Club International Universitaire and the Austrian Rectors' Conference have established a new web portal on international university cooperation. At this stage, it contains statistics as well as contact information ...
... post (if any of the necessary documents can not be scanned, they must be sent by post or by fax), an announcement of the application by email until latest 30th of May 2010 is indispensable! See also: For students of Universities in Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, who are presently enrolled in a Master- or PhD-Programme in the field of History, philology or political sciences. Deadline: May 30, 2010 ...
The Report provides an overview of the main institutions involved in the field of social sciences in Serbia, as well as an analysis of difficulties and challenges for scientific research. The findings show that younger researchers are especially affected by the unsatisfactory situation in this field, having few opportunities for career advancement in their home country. Furthermore, although researchers and institutions are eligible for applying for the extensive EU FP7 funds, many institutes ...
... and beyond (especially current PhD projects and/or research results) that can be related to the topic: "Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans". • The papers to be presented can deal with the region in general or with the change-processes in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia in particular. • For more information about the RRPP current research projects, please go to the RRPP Web site. The selected candidates will be able to present and discuss their work in one of the methodological or thematic workshops, where the RRPP researchers ...
... has forward looking research ideas. These could be researchers or developers from research institutions, NGOs, administrations or companies based in the WBC. Research ideas could eventually be turned into project proposals to be financed by FP7/ICT. Ideas are expected from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Kosovo/UNMIK 1244/99, Montenegro and Serbia. Awards: The six best ideas will be awarded participation to the ICT 2010 event in Brussels. In addition the winners will receive support to write a proposal or be included in a proposal to FP7/ICT. PLEASE NOTE: all project ideas received will ...
Eligibility: GSGP is available to citizens of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Kyrgyzstan, the FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Please note that this is a supplementary program and is not intended for full funding. Applicants must be able to demonstrate additional support from other sources. Deadline: The deadline ...
"We must show the countries in the region that we continue to care even more than we did ten years ago," Spain and Italy said in a statement to their EU partners circulated at an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Cordoba, Spain. "Relevant partners" such as the US, Russia and Turkey could be invited to attend part of the meeting, the document suggested. The two countries are reported to have circulated a joint letter to other EU states setting out a vision for the ...
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