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34% The Central- and Eastern European Network Document 5. Feb. 2007
... of Academies of Science (CEEN), produced in cooperation with the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), describes specific aspects of the national scientific communities and establishments in CEENs member countries. Furthermore, the network itself, its functions and experiences are introduced. Contributions from the Academies of Science in Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are included. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (ed.): The Central- and Eastern European Network of Academies of Science. A special IPTS Report. December 2006. ISBN: 92-79-02302-0 Gilbert Fayl
37% IPA Regulation Document 2. Feb. 2007
The council regulation is the official document establishing the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). It assists the Western Balkan countries in their progressive alignment with the standards and policies of the EU. The regulation defines the scope, the framework, the components of the assistance as well as the rules for the components, management and implementation. Council Regulation 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) - OJ L 210, ...
The agenda is a rolling plan of action to enhance the participation and performance of the enlargement countries under FP7 and further integration in the European Research Area. The plan was adopted in Istanbul on December 8, 2006 and foresees a range of activities suggested for 2007 and 2008. Istanbul Agenda for Increased Participation in FP7 of EU Enlargement Countries (Candidate and Potential Candidate) (2007-2008). Plan adopted December 8, 2006 in Istanbul. TÜBITAK
... The program does not support scholars in philology, the visual and performing arts, or business. Candidates apply to teach outside their country of citizenship and must hold an internationally-recognized PhD or JD. AFP accepts applications for fellowship placements in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, and Ukraine." Source: e-mail from Phillip Watkins For applications and guidelines and a list of current AFP partner departments, please see http://www ...
WUS Austria invites exceptional students from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo UNMIK, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, who study law, economics, political sciences, international relations, information technologies or related disciplines to take part at the at the Balkan Case Challenge 2007 Student Case Competition: Students participate in one of the four different case competitions: Business Case Competition (BIZ) offers ...
The target group for the training seminar & conference participation grants are people interested in launching, carrying out or using Foresight activities in support to policy-making within the SEE countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia (including Kosovo), FYR of Macedonia).In addition to this target group also applications from other SEE countries as well as from Slovenia and Austria are possible (but without reimbursement of travel costs from the organisers). It will be organised by the organisers of the Bled Forum in cooperation with the FOR-LEARN project team http://forlearn ...
... the role of ICEIM is to initiate and coordinate the national research programs and to perform high-level research in the selected areas. The permanent research staff of ICEIM includes: six academicians, one senior scientist, three junior scientists and three research assistants. In addition, thirty-five collaborators from other scientific institutions in Macedonia are engaged within the ICEIM research projects." Source: ICEIM Website, as accessed in January 2007.
34% Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Organisation 12. Jan. 2007
... arts. The Academy's objectives are to survey the cultural heritage and natural resources, to assist in the planning of a national policy regarding the sciences and arts, to stimulate, co-ordinate, organise and conduct scientific and scholarly research and to promote artistic achievement, especially where particularly relevant to the Republic of Macedonia. The Academy facilitates scholarly, scientific and artistic endeavour on the part of its members and encourages the use of the most up-to-date methodology and scientific information and the results of the latest research. It also works on developing international co-operation in the fields of the sciences and arts. All the ...
36% FP7 - Workprogramme 2007 - People Document 23. Dec. 2006
This is the workprogramme 2007-2008 published for People Programme. European Commission C(2007)3123 of 29.06.2007: WORK PROGRAMME 2007-2008, PEOPLE CORDIS, EC
97% Euro Info Correspondence Centre FYRo Macedonia Organisation 17. Dec. 2006
... The EICC is hosted by the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, a business-professional, non-party and non-government organization, members of which, are all entities engaged in economic activities. The basic task of Chamber is, first of all, representation of the interests of the economy in all its spheres, with the aim of accomplishing successful results in the operation of the enterprises both ...
... be searched via a database provided by CORDIS, see /link/686.html. Source: CORDIS, as accessed in December 2006. Update on the Association Status By the year 2009, all Western Balkan countries have signed Memoranda of Understanding associating to the 7th Framework Programme: Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia FYR of Macedonia Montenegro Serbia Only Kosovo/UNMIK remained on the list of International Cooperation Partner Countries. CORDIS offers services for specific user groups among which are also specifically researchers and organisations located outside the European Union. The service gives straightforward answers to questions such as: - Can I participate in FP7 if I ...
... The European Union has agreed to negotiate agreements with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia making it much easier and cheaper for their nationals to obtain visas to travel to the EU. All of these countries have expressed interest in joining the European Union, but for various reasons have not met criteria to become accession states, yet.The EU foreign ministers have ...
58% The FYR of Macedonia 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and the FYR of Macedonia, and the overall political, economical and social progress of FYROM. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28), science and research (page 50) and information society (page 31). Commission of the European Communities (2006): The FYR of Macedonia 2006 Progress Report;Available from: http://ec.europa ...
... be taken and informs about the National SEE-ERA.NET Contact Points. All 14 countries in the SEE-ERA-NET project have declared that they will participate with national financial contributions to this first pilot joint call: ALBANIA, AUSTRIA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, BULGARIA, CROATIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, MONTENEGRO, ROMANIA, SLOVENIA, SERBIA. (2006): Call Text of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call for a multilateral funding programme on Research and Thematic Network Projects as well as Summer Schools in/with the Western Balkan Region. Version November 30, 2006. Available from: ...
37% Albania 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Albania and the overall political, economical and social progress of Albania. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28) and information society (page 36). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Albania 2006 Progress ReportAvailable from: ...
37% Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and BiH, and the overall political, economical and social progress of BiH. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 34) and information society (page 42). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006 Progress Report; Available from: ...
36% Montenegro 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Montenegro, and the overall political, economical and social progress of Montenegro. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 27) and information society (page 34). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Montenegro 2006 Progress Report; Available from: ...
36% Serbia 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Serbia, and the overall political, economical and social progress of Serbia. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28) and information society (page 33). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Serbia 2006 Progress Report;Available from: ...
... multilateral funding programme within the context of the SEE-ERA.NET network. All 14 countries in the SEE-ERA-NET project have declared that they will participate with national financial contributions to this first pilot joint call: ALBANIA, AUSTRIA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, BULGARIA, CROATIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, MONTENEGRO, ROMANIA, SLOVENIA, SERBIA. 2. What kind of projects will be funded? The SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call focuses on specific thematic areas: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology: sub area “Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments”Information and Communication Technologies: sub area “Applications Research ...
... EU), etc. Proposals will be evaluated and selected by an independent international selection committee. To be selected, proposals will: Be practice-oriented and relevant to Private Sector Development in the Western Balkans;Be regional in scope, i.e. include at least three countries from the Western Balkans (covering B&H, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia);Have been developed and be implemented through regional collaboration between different partners (independent researchers, research institutes, Universities, etc);Demonstrate originality (i.e cover topics that have not yet been widely researched in the region and/or provide new perspectives);Contain clear ideas about the dissemination of the ...
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