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Number of applications submitted by partner region (Tempus IV - Second Call for proposals), 2009. Number of applications submitted by partner region (Tempus IV - Second Call for proposals), 2009. European Commission/Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
33% 'People' Work Programme 2009 updated News 14. Jul. 2009
The WP is to be read in association with the Framework Programme and People Specific Programme decisions, and with the relevant Guides for Applicants. The most current Guides and other documents are available on CORDIS under Part I describes the background to the WP and the broad policy objectives. Part II gives details of the 2009 Actions, while Part III gives the corresponding information, in overview form, of the relevant calls. The Annexes contain reference ...
This booklet intends to highlight the scientific impact of the projects carried out in the frame of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call. SEE-ERA.NET has started as a regional ERA-NET, implemented by the national key stakeholders in fourteen European countries, including EU member states and all Western Balkan countries (WBC). The SEE-ERA.NET has created a strong commitment among the participating countries towards supporting multilateral research cooperation through a Pilot Joint Call (PJC) which ...
This document deald with COST's Vision of its place in the European Research Area in 2020.  COST Secretariat, COST Statement - The Role of COST in the ERA 2020, Brussels 2009. Leonardo Piccinetti/Europe for Business.
Introduction and scope In April 2007, the European Commission, through the Directorate-General for Research, commissioned Matrix Insight to evaluate the impact of the ERA-NET scheme and related ERA-NET actions under the 6th Community Framework Programme for Research (FP6). The study focused on 71 ERA-NET coordination actions launched under the FP6 ERA-NET scheme in the 27 Member States of the European Union, Associated countries and Third countries over the FP6 period (i.e. 2002-2006). ...
... news briefing in Brussels. "Under this proposal, the new regime comes into force on January 1." The proposal will have to be formally approved by the EU's 27 justice ministers, although unanimity would not be required. First countries covered would be FYR of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, while Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovnia should follow later in 2010, provided they meet certain requirements. Source: Reuters, Balkan Insight, European Voice, EU business and many others, as accessed July 9, 2009   The EU executive will propose next week to allow citizens of Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia to travel to the ...
31% EUREKA Pledges to Support the ERA News 9. Jul. 2009
... This resulted in 192 new individual bilateral and multilateral projects with a total estimated budget of €324 million, and 86 Eurostars projects, with a total estimated budget of €128 million. The following WBCs are members of EUREKA: Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia. Furthermore, Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina participate in EUREKA projects, associated through a network of national information points.  The chairmanship of Eureka has now passed from Portugal to Germany.   Sources: Sciencebusiness Bulletin, as accessed on July 7, 2009. Eureka representatives from 38 countries pledged to support the development of the European ...
71% Municipality of Tirana, Albania Organisation 8. Jul. 2009
... awarded to start in January 2009 was approximately US $8,200. Grants must begin no later than 31 December 2009 and end no later than 31 December 2010, although a six-month no-cost extension request may be made during the year. Applicants must be residents of any of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo (UNMIK), Latvia, Lithuania, fYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. Applicants must be resident for the substantial majority of each year in the country from which they are applying although they may be of any nationality or citizenship ...
... research communities, feel free to send any important information about your R&D projects, results and events to CORDIS:     Source: CORDIS press release. CORDIS, the Community Research and Development Information Service, has announced the launch of ten new National Services, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Ukraine ...
On the 2951st meeting of the External Relations Council in Luxembourg (June 15, 2009) the Council adopted conclusions on visa liberalisation for the Western Balkan Countries, welcoming the progress in the visa liberalisation dialogues., as accessed on June 29, 2009 Council Website
... is already developed, almost as an industry. This measure intends to support the development of small infrastructures, good practices and strategic plans in order to extend tourism activities to the whole cross-border region. Specific attention is given to the transfer of know-how from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to Albania where the tourism industry is still at an early stage. The measure gives a priority to alternative types of tourism (rural and family tourism, eco-tourism, etc) to be developed in parallel to more classical practices. More generally, the measure aims at fostering all sectors of the economy that contribute to ...
33% Albanian Investment Development Agency Organisation 26. Jun. 2009
... The Agency of Business and Investment was established by Government of Albania in 2006 for implementing governmental policies in the field of SME promotion. The Agency offers to Provide up to date information on the investment climate, investment incentives, and the legal framework relating to the investment process in Albania; Assist for quantification of the cost benefits that Albania can offer; Identify suitable green field and brown field site options and/or serviced office space; Assist to obtain the permits and licenses required by national and local authorities, thus speeding facilitating investment projects; and Identify and assess potential suppliers in Albania. It manages The government Competitiveness Fund – 200.000 ...
Eligible entities include public bodies, public equivalent bodies, private organisations, including some SMEs and NGOs. Each project must include at least one partner from an eligible EU-member state (eligible territories of Greece, Italy and Slovenia) and one partner from an eligible non EU-member state (eligible territories of Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia). The overall indicative budget for the programme is 63,750,000 Euros, with the minimum total budget for each project being 500,000.00 Euro and the maximum total budget being 5 million Euro. The Programme will cover up to max 85% of eligible ...
33% List of Acronyms - IPA Glossary Document 25. Jun. 2009
This document (8 pages) contains a list of abbrevations and explainations of terms used in the context of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). INTERACT Point Vienna/Turku: List of Acronyms. IPA Glossary, 2009.   INTERACT Point Vienna/Turku.
The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of health research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR1244). Please note, some of the reports might be updated after the workshop. Please check this site again before disseminating the pdf version of the reports and rather forward the link to interested peers. The partners of WBC-INCO ...
... human capital and balanced “brain circulation” was also emphasized. The Platform welcomed the recent work of the Task Force on Fostering and Building Human Capital under the Regional Cooperation Council and will follow up the improvement on interface between research and building human capital. The programme presented by Albania on brain gain was seen as a good practice on how to reintegrate the scientists in their countries. With respect to research infrastructure the Platform expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the conference on “Research infrastructures and the Regional dimension of ERA” (24-25 March 2009) held in Prague ...
For further information and for downloading the relevant documentation, please visit A short presentation of the CERES programme is attached - see below. For further information: Alessandro Lombardo Junior Executive Officer Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat Via Genova 9 34121 - Trieste, Italy +39 040 77 86 744 email: website:   The deadline for submitting research project proposals in the framework of the CEI ...
We would hereby like to inform you that a Joint Call for European Research Projects will be published on September 1, 2009 as part of the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS project. The participating countries are: Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), EU Member States (Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Romania and Slovenia) and Turkey as an FP7 Associated Country. The following themes/thematic areas will be supported through the call: ICT – I) Software systems for learning process management ...
... The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of transport research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). The partners of WBC-INCO.NET and relevant experts compiled reports on the research system in the field of transport for each Western Balkan country. The reports have been discussed in a workshop for priority setting ...
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