News archive - Cross-border Programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania

On June 2 the EuropeAid call with the reference 128150 was published with the deadline on August 3, 2009: IPA 2007 Cross-border Programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania. Budget of the call is 340,000 EUR.

The priority Fostering cross-border economic, environmental and social development is a response to the different and sometimes contrasted situations and needs to be identified within the cross-border region. The protection and management of natural resources are considered to be a major cross-border issue in the southern part (Ohrid and Prespa lakes), and the social issues related to poverty and unemployment are considered to be of high priority in the north. This priority tries to reconcile these two approaches. It also tries to give space to the economic actors, particularly, but not exclusively, in the tourism sector, which takes into account the current low level of business cooperation at the border. More generally, this priority should allow the definition and implementation of people-to-people actions and thus fostering the cross-border cooperation on the level of communities and civil society.

The objectives of the programme are expected to be achieved by implementing three measures, all three measures being included in the current Call for Proposals:
Measure 1: Economic development with an emphasis on tourism related areas. Tourism is one of the main economic potentials of the region and in some areas it is already developed, almost as an industry. This measure intends to support the development of small infrastructures, good practices and strategic plans in order to extend tourism activities to the whole cross-border region. Specific attention is given to the transfer of know-how from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to Albania where the tourism industry is still at an early stage. The measure gives a priority to alternative types of tourism (rural and family tourism, eco-tourism, etc) to be developed in parallel to more classical practices. More generally, the measure aims at fostering all sectors of the economy that contribute to building a strong and specific identity of the cross-border region. This includes the promotion and the protection (branding, better access to the market) of the traditional food and agro-food products, as well as handicrafts. As a transversal objective and in order to give the business community the possibility to participate in the cross-border programme, the measure also aims at facilitating the trans-boundary business cooperation (i.e. organization of fairs, consumers’ studies, etc.).
Measure 2: Sustainable environmental development with an emphasis on protection, promotion and management of natural resources and ecosystems. This measure intends to build on the cross-border dynamic launched in the environmental sector during the last years. It supports the current efforts of the local and national authorities in establishing joint environmental policies and pilot programmes and involves the civil society in the process. It takes into account the crucial importance of sustainable management of the natural resources for the economic development of the region.
Measure 3: Social cohesion and cultural exchange through people-to-people and institution-to-institution actions. Based on the fact that the cross-border cooperation is still at a low level, the third measure is specifically intended to promote people-to-people and institution-to-institution (such as schools, universities, research centres) operations. The priority sectors are the valorisation of the unique historical and cultural heritage and all types of operations that support the social integration of the marginalized groups, unemployed, rural youth, women labour force, etc. This measure also aims at encouraging joint research and educational activities.

By way of illustration projects could contain a range of the following activities:

Measure 1: Economic development with an emphasis on tourism related areas
• Development and implementation of joint strategies, action plans, studies and competitive analyses
• Facilitation of the business contacts, networking, partnerships
• Development and implementation of studies, analysis and measures for improving cross-border conventional and alternative tourism offer
• Promotion and branding of regional products, services and organization of food supply chains
• Development and implementation of training, educational activities and transfer of know-how, in the fields of tourism and business management, marketing, quality systems, ICT, labor prequalification, etc.

Measure 2: Sustainable environmental development with an emphasis on protection, promotion and management of natural resources and ecosystems
• Development and implementation of joint strategies, policies, action plans or feasibility studies related to environmental issues including waste water and solid waste management, water management, forestry management, river beds training, biodiversity, soil conservation, air pollution control, as well as cross-border emergency plans to deal with natural and man-made environmental hazards, etc.
• Joint activities aiming at identifying, preserving, developing and restoring national parks and protected sites, flora, fauna, etc.
• Development and implementation of training and educational programmes related to environment protection activities
• Creation and implementation of comprehensive awareness, promotion and information campaigns related to environmental issues

Measure 3: Social cohesion and cultural exchange through people-to-people and institution-to-institution actions
• Development and implementation of programmes for social integration of socially marginalized groups, unemployed, rural youth and women labour force;
• Support of joint programmes based on utilization of multiethnic assets;
Support of joint Research Development Initiatives of R&D institutions.
• Establishment of partnerships between NGOs of both sides of the border and operations aiming at developing the technical and management capacities of the NGOs.
• Support of joint health protection related activities
• Support of joint cultural events and activities and joint project aiming at promoting and protecting cultural and historical heritage


Please check carefully the respective documents:

Draft Grant Contract

Grant Application Form

Guidelines for Applicants


Questions that may be relevant to other applicants, together with the answers, will be published on the internet at:

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 28, 2009
Modified on July 1, 2009