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COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL This communication assesses the current state of the European Union's enlargement agenda, comprising the Western Balkans, Turkey, and Iceland. Based on the accompanying in-depth country analyses3, it takes stock of what these countries have achieved preparing for membership, where they stand today, assesses their prospects for the coming years and in this regard makes a number of recommendations. As in previous years, ...
evised legislation for preschool, primary, secondary and higher education was adopted as well as policies for tackling the high drop-out rates of students, and violence at school. The Curriculum Framework was finalised. The participation in Tempus is increasing and the awareness about its benefits for public and private education institutions is improving. The administrative capacity to manage Tempus projects was strengthened. The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ...
The overall conclusions on BiH in the fields interesting for WBC-INCO.NET read as follows: Bosnia and Herzegovina made some progress with the enforcement of competition rules. There was no progress in the area of public procurement, particularly regarding full alignment of the Public Procurement Law. Progress continued in the area of intellectual property rights. There was little progress in the area of social and employment policies and public health policy. Country-wide strategy papers ...
... start, a solution to the name issue is essential. MONTENEGRO: candidate - applied in 2008. In 2010, the EU awarded candidate status and set out seven key priorities which the country needs to fulfil in order to achieve the opening of accession negotiations. Today the Commission recommended opening of accession negotiations. ALBANIA: potential candidate - applied in 2009. In 2010 the EU set out twelve key priorities which the country needs to fulfil to achieve the opening of accession negotiations. Although progress was made in some of these areas the Commission was not in a position to recommend further steps for Albania this ...
This essay was originally published in The Europa World of Learning, a guide to higher education, research and other academic institutions throughout the world. The print edition of this internationally respected title was first published over 60 years ago and has become widely acclaimed as the premier source of information on the academic sphere world-wide. The online version, updated quarterly, offers an unprecedented level of access to global institutions of higher education and learning, ...
... Greece (EL) Poland (PL) Bulgaria (BG) Hungary (HU) Portugal (PT) Czech Republic (CZ) Ireland (IE) Romania (RO) Cyprus (CY) Italy (IT) Slovakia (SK) Denmark (DK) Latvia (LV) Slovenia (SI) Estonia (EE) Lithuania (LT) Spain (ES) Finland (FI) Luxembourg (LU) Sweden (SE) France (FR) Malta (MT) United Kingdom (UK) Other countries Albania (AL) Liechtenstein (LI) Croatia (HR) Montenegro (ME) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK) Norway (NO) Iceland (IS) Serbia (RS) Israel (IL) Turkey (TR)  Events can be: national, regional, local or even cross-border "European" – organised either by European-level (business) organisations and institutions or by national/regional representations ...
... closes January 27, 2012 (but note that the number of places are limited). A registration form is provided via a link on the workshop website:  Registration fee 225 euro for laboratories with a HDI below 0.845 (Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, …) 475 euro for laboratories with a HDI above 0.845 575 euro for industrial partners  Contact, further information: ...
Short Agenda Day 1 The Lifelong Learning Programme – 2011 Call Lessons learned How to turn your project idea into an LLP project Building a winning Partnership Day 2 Financial aspects of LLP Content Development and the eForm details Work Plan, Dissemination Strategy, Evaluation Plan, Valorisation Evaluation under LLP - what you need to know to win Please find more information in documents attached below: Flyer (incl. Application form) and Agenda. For further information and registration, ...
The workshop is a pre-Conference event of the TAIEX conference “Emigration  Issues in the Western Balkans - joint approach to linking migration and development of the countries of origin“ of Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Department for Emigration/Diaspora. The rationale of the workshop is based on the fact that highly skilled professionals from the fields of science, technology, business etc. have emigrated from Southeast European ...
Although papers on any aspect of SMEs and economic development in transition economies will be considered, the organisers are particularly interested in contribution which address one or more of the following questions: Internationalisation of SMEs in Ballkan countires Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Economic Development Financial Difficulties faced by Small Businesses espcially Start-ups and Business Development in the longer-term? Obstacles to Regional Trade and SME Development Role of ...
... Commission prepared Progress Reports for the candidate countries Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey as well as for the potential candidate countries Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and for Kosovo (1). Following the two countries application and the Council's request, it also prepared two opinions on Albania and Montenegro. The European Commission adopted the Progress Reports and two Opinions on 9 November 2010. The purpose of this Occasional Paper is to facilitate the work of those scholars, researchers and analysts of the enlargement process, who are mainly interested in the economic aspects. As such, it represents only ...
The report is the second of a series realised within the SeeNet Programme by a research network coordinated by CeSPI (Italy) and composed of seven research organisations from South East Europe, including InTER who does the research on decentralisation and governance in Vojvodina. More about the SeeNet Programme is available at the website: This report is focussed on decentralisation. This issue is particularly relevant in Western Balkan countries, not only for the ...
... This is in line with our efforts to achieve the goals of the Innovation Union flagship initiative and the Horizon 2020 programme." Source: EUROPA - Press Releases European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, met last week with Ministers of Science and Research from six Western Balkans countries (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia ...
31% Funding for Erasmus to be doubled News 15. Sep. 2011
... could also join Erasmus under proposals by Poland, which took over the presidency of the EU in July. Barbara Kudrycka, Poland's minister of science and higher education, has called for Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine to be included in the programme, as well as Balkan countries such as Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Allan Pall, chairman of the European Students Union, welcomed the expansion plans and urged ministers to consider including "Arab Spring" states, such as Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, in the programme. He said such exchange "fosters internationalisation of the universities there". More ...
This document has been produced within the framework of the European Union's Tempus programme, which is funded by the EuropeAid Development and Co-operation Directorate-General and the Directorate-General for Enlargement. It has been prepared by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on the basis of contributions from the Tempus Offices and the authorities concerned.  The attached descriptions of higher education systems in the Tempus Partner Countries provide a ...
This new Guide provides potential recipients of EU funding for research and innovation with the practical information they need to access this funding. It also provides decision-makers with a full picture of all the funding opportunities available until 2013. The complexity of the present landscape has led the authors to propose to bring together the full range of research and innovation financing instruments within a common strategic framework under the future multi-annual financial framework. ...
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