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Abstract The main purpose of the paper is to accent the importance of the quality of FDI as a way of stimulation and encouragement the innovation activities in the host country. One of the benefits that come from the inward FDI is the possibility of transferring new technologies, but the most favorable benefits come from the possibility of using the inward location for development of new technologies. The FDI could have positive contribution to the qualitative improvement in the production ...
... who are currently working on a research project in the field of social sciences at public or private research centers (higher education institutions, research institutes, think tanks), who have gained their master’s degree in the field of social sciences at a university in the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), and who live and work in the region. The Research Academy is designed as a summer school composed of several linked one-day modules. During the program of the Research Academy junior researchers will be guided through all stages of the research process ...
... and prosperity and will support the political and economic reform process of the countries on their EU accession path", said Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations. Support for reforms The funding comes under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II), and will be available to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. It will support further democratic and economic reforms, the modernisation of the judiciary and of public administration, as well as regional cooperation. Investment in Connectivity The package notably includes a €155 million programme to help fund ...
... who are currently working on a research project in the field of social sciences at public or private research centers (higher education institutions, research institutes, think tanks), who have gained their master’s degree in the field of social sciences at a university in the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), and who live and work in the region. The Research Academy is designed as a summer school composed of several linked one-day modules. During the program of the Research Academy junior researchers will be guided through all stages of the research process ...
The coming ASD session will be dedicated to the "Study of Albania - economy, politics, social development, and future perspective” and it will bring together Albanian lecturers, scholars and academics working in universities and research centers abroad, in many countries around the world, particularly in EU and USA. The conference sessions: Finance and Economics Department - “Structural Reforms and Integration Challenges” Management Department - “Management ...
The coming ASD session will be dedicated to the "Study of Albania - economy, politics, social development, and future perspective” and it will bring together Albanian lecturers, scholars and academics working in universities and research centers abroad, in many countries around the world, particularly in EU and USA. The conference sessions: Finance and Economics Department - “Structural Reforms and Integration Challenges” Management Department - “Management ...
This  Regular  Economic  Report  (RER)  covers  economic  developments,  prospects,  and  economic policies in six South Eastern European countries (SEE6): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
... spend on around 1% of GDP on R&D, while other countries in the region spend up to 0,3% of GDP). Following the Progress Reports 2014 for WBC within the “Enlargement package” adopted each year by the Commission - the progress made in Science and Research is assessed in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo as limited, in Serbia some progress and FYR of Macedonia and Montenegro good progress was identified. In Albania further capacity building and investment in research are required to ensure integration into the ERA and contribution to the Innovation Union. Also increased efforts for successful participation ...
... Please find attached the country presentations (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia) prepared by National Erasmus+ Offices from the region and held at the Networking Seminar “EU-Higher Education Cooperation between Germany and Western Balkan region”. This event was organised on September 23-24, 2015 in cooperation with the DAAD Information Center Belgrade, the National Erasmus+ Office ...
Objectives and content of the Networking Forum The main goal of the Networking Forum was to intensify and improve higher education cooperation between the Western Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia) and Germany in Erasmus+ with a focus on Erasmus+ Key Action 2 “Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education” (CBHE). The EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, Erasmus+ (2014-2020), includes a strong international dimension in the field of higher education ...
The report was presented in Brussels by the Chair of the Group, Louise O. Fresco, President of the Executive Board of Wageningen University and Research Centres, accompanied by the Group's Rapporteur, André Martinuzzi, Head of the Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business. Welcoming the report, Commissioner Moedas said: "Rigorous evaluation is essential in assessing how European investment in research and innovation is contributing to economic growth and ...
... in the countries of the Western Balkan region since 2005. The organisations nominated to act as Contact Points are selected in regular intervals on the basis of public calls. More information is available here. Here you can find the contact addresses of the current Contact Points: Country Organisation Contact Albania Beyond Barriers Association PO BOX 87, Tirana Tel: + 355 69 21 91 795,; Center for Youth Progress L 4, Godina Kryqit Kuq, kati II-te, Kukes     Tel: 00355-2422-3113; Fax: 00355-2422-3113         ...
... provide support for the development of higher education systems in partner countries. Projects targeting Western Balkans countries can include also additional support for mobility component. Information on Higher Education Systems in Western Balkans Countries   National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) Information on the HE system Country Information (Tempus- programme) Further information Albania NEO Albania Overview of higher education system in Albania (pdf) Tempus Partner Country: Albania   Bosnia and Herzegovina NEO Bosnia-Herzegovina Overview of the higher education system in Bosnia-Herzegovina (pdf) Agency for Development of higher education and Quality Assurance Tempus Partner Country: Bosnia-Herzegovina   Kosovo* NEO Kosovo Overview of the higher education system in Kosovo (pdf) Tempus Partner Country: Kosovo   Montenegro NEO Montenegro Overview ...
... Moscow Institute of International Relations), Moscow, Russia Marcel Courtiade Ph.D. (INALCO- Paris), Paris, France Margarita Karamihova Ph.D. (University Ss. Cyril and Methodius), Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria Jasminka Simic Ph.D. (Radio-Television of Serbia), Belgrade, Serbia Armanda Kodra Hysa Ph.D. (Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art’s Studies) Tirana, Albania Velika Stojkova Serafimovska Ph.D., Institute for Folklore "Marko Cepenkov", Skopje, Macedonia Nadzyea Cherepan Ph.D. candidate(European Humanities University), Vilnius, Lithuania Meli Shopi Ph.D. (University of Elbasan), Elbasan, Albania Misho Netkovski Ph.D. (University for Audio- Visual Arts/ ESRA) Skopje, Macedonia Dejan Metodijeski Ph.D. (University Goce Delchev ...
... Moscow Institute of International Relations), Moscow, Russia Marcel Courtiade Ph.D. (INALCO- Paris), Paris, France Margarita Karamihova Ph.D. (University Ss. Cyril and Methodius), Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria Jasminka Simic Ph.D. (Radio-Television of Serbia), Belgrade, Serbia Armanda Kodra Hysa Ph.D. (Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art’s Studies) Tirana, Albania Velika Stojkova Serafimovska Ph.D., Institute for Folklore "Marko Cepenkov", Skopje, Macedonia Nadzyea Cherepan Ph.D. candidate(European Humanities University), Vilnius, Lithuania Meli Shopi Ph.D. (University of Elbasan), Elbasan, Albania Misho Netkovski Ph.D. (University for Audio- Visual Arts/ ESRA) Skopje, Macedonia Dejan Metodijeski Ph.D. (University Goce Delchev ...
... constructive role civil society organizations can play in regularly monitoring the policies and performance of government institutions The webinar will be held on November 18th and 19th at 11:00 AM in two separate one-hour sessions. Representatives of civil society and civil servants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia and Montenegro are invited to participate. For registration, please click here. *A webinar is a seminar that is transmitted over the Internet using video conferencing software. Download: Call for Participants Source: PASOS The Center for Research and Policy Making is pleased to invite you to a webinar ...
... constructive role civil society organizations can play in regularly monitoring the policies and performance of government institutions The webinar will be held on November 18th and 19th at 11:00 AM in two separate one-hour sessions. Representatives of civil society and civil servants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia and Montenegro are invited to participate. For registration, please click here. *A webinar is a seminar that is transmitted over the Internet using video conferencing software. Download: Call for Participants Source: PASOS The Center for Research and Policy Making is pleased to invite you to a webinar ...
Selected programmes attached below are related to: Technology Transfer capacity building in the Western Balkans   Western Balkans Youth Window under Erasmus+ Statistics  Improving economic governance and competitiveness  Regional School of public administration Further programme documents are available at the DG NEAR website: Background A) Horizontal support Technical assistance, information and ...
33% UNESCO Science report 2015, Towards 2030 Document 12. Nov. 2015
Key messages For two decades now, the UNESCO Science Report series has been mapping science, technology and innovation (STI) around the world on a regular basis. Since STI do not evolve in a vacuum, this latest edition summarizes the evolution since 2010 against the backdrop of socio-economic, geopolitical and environmental trends that have helped to shape contemporary STI policy and governance. Key messages are: Today, there are fewer grounds than in the past to deplore a simple „North-South“ ...
... 2013). The Serbian government’s biggest challenge will be to overcome a linear understanding of the innovation process which has resulted in a highly fragmented innovation system; this fragmentation is the biggest obstacle to networking the R&D sector with the rest of the economy and society at large. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Montenegro are all faced with structural adjustments and political and economic challenges which tend to have relegated the reform of their respective innovation systems to a lower priority. All are suffering from sluggish economic growth, the ageing of researchers, severe brain drain, a lack ...
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