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The final publication of EVAL-INNO highlights the strategic importance of evaluations, which are challenged by increasingly differentiated innovation policy and funding mixes, and are made all the more important by progressively more leveraged national budgets for research, technological development and innovation, as well as the need to develop and evaluate policies which bridge traditional policy fields. This publication presents the tangible evidence of the progress made by the EVAL-INNO ...
The development of Business Incubators (BI) and Science and Technology Parks (STP) is one of the most efficient instruments for boosting the local economic development. This topic was recognized as highly important by WBCInno partners, which was the main motive to elaborate the Strategic Development Plan for BIs/STPs in WBC region. This Strategic Plan presents the trends in the development of BIs and STPs at EU and world level as well as the current state in WBC region in this area. This gave ...
... nbsp;to strengthen Kosovo’s research and innovation capacity through boosting investment in the sector and by taking action to facilitate the integration of Kosovo into the European Research Area and its contribution to the Innovation Union. FYR of Macedonia Chapter 25: Science and research The country’s participation in the EU framework programme for research (FP7) continued to increase. The overall success rate is 15.9 %, compared to the EU average of 21.6 %. The number of small and medium-sized enterprises involved in FP7 research projects increased but ...
... One year after the Berlin Western Balkans Summit, the heads of government, foreign ministers and economics ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, as well as Croatia, Slovenia, last year’s host Germany, future hosts France and Italy, representatives of the European Commission and the European External Action Service and International Financial   ...
... ERI SEE towards an increased use of the European cooperation instruments and funds. One year after the Berlin Western Balkans Summit, the heads of government, foreign ministers and economics ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, as well as Croatia, Slovenia, last year’s host Germany, future hosts France and Italy, representatives of the European Commission and the European External Action Service and International Financial Institutions ...
The Joint Science Conference is one of the pillars of the Western Balkans Process (also known as the Berlin Process), which was officially launched with the 1st Western Balkans Summit held in Berlin by the German Chancellor Merkel on 28 August 2014. Being aware of the importance of education, science and research for the overall success of the EU-integration efforts of the Western Balkans, the political umbrella of the Western Balkans Process has entrusted the German National Academy of ...
The Joint Science Conference is one of the pillars of the Western Balkans Process (also known as the Berlin Process), which was officially launched with the 1st Western Balkans Summit held in Berlin by the German Chancellor Merkel on 28 August 2014. The joint statement of the Joint Science Conference can be downloaded below in a short and extended version in several languages. It entails recommendations reflecting the voice of science and that are addressed at policymakers of the Western ...
Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) is a network of 15 civil society organizations from 10 countries and territories in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia, Romania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Serbia and Turkey).
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The report presents the results of the RCC-commissioned survey of business sentiment in SEE on crucial economic and development issues, intended to engage more closely the business community in context of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy. The survey was carried out in December 2014 by GfK, and was conducted face to face with 1400 companies of different size and different business areas, which are not majority-owned by the state or government, in all seven economies covered by the Strategy. Regional ...
The report presents the results of the RCC-commissioned survey of public opinion of SEE citizens on crucial economic and development issues, intended to engage more closely the general public in context of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy. The survey was carried out in December 2014 by GfK, and was conducted face to face with 7000 respondents, in all seven economies covered by the Strategy.
Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)