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Eligibility for application is open to candidates from Europe (as defined by the ESE Byelaws) including the ESE Affiliated Society members (including Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia) and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
... the constructive role civil society organizations can play in regularly monitoring the policies and performance of government institutions The webinar will be held on November 18th and 19th at 11:00 AM in two separate one-hour sessions. Representatives of civil society and civil servants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia and Montenegro are invited to participate. For registration, please click here. *A webinar is a seminar that is transmitted over the Internet using video conferencing software. Download: Call for Participants Source: PASOS The Center for Research and Policy Making is pleased to invite you to a ...
... the constructive role civil society organizations can play in regularly monitoring the policies and performance of government institutions The webinar will be held on November 18th and 19th at 11:00 AM in two separate one-hour sessions. Representatives of civil society and civil servants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia and Montenegro are invited to participate. For registration, please click here. *A webinar is a seminar that is transmitted over the Internet using video conferencing software. Download: Call for Participants Source: PASOS The Center for Research and Policy Making is pleased to invite you to a ...
Selected programmes attached below are related to: Technology Transfer capacity building in the Western Balkans   Western Balkans Youth Window under Erasmus+ Statistics  Improving economic governance and competitiveness  Regional School of public administration Further programme documents are available at the DG NEAR website: Background A) Horizontal support Technical assistance, information and ...
37% UNESCO Science report 2015, Towards 2030 Document 12. Nov. 2015
Key messages For two decades now, the UNESCO Science Report series has been mapping science, technology and innovation (STI) around the world on a regular basis. Since STI do not evolve in a vacuum, this latest edition summarizes the evolution since 2010 against the backdrop of socio-economic, geopolitical and environmental trends that have helped to shape contemporary STI policy and governance. Key messages are: Today, there are fewer grounds than in the past to deplore a simple „North-South“ ...
... biggest challenge will be to overcome a linear understanding of the innovation process which has resulted in a highly fragmented innovation system; this fragmentation is the biggest obstacle to networking the R&D sector with the rest of the economy and society at large. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Montenegro are all faced with structural adjustments and political and economic challenges which tend to have relegated the reform of their respective innovation systems to a lower priority. All are suffering from sluggish economic growth, the ageing of researchers, severe brain drain, a lack of private sector R& ...
The European Investment Fund (EIF) has selected South Central Ventures (SCV) to manage ENIF via offices in Belgrade (Serbia), Zagreb (Croatia), and Skopje (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).  Investments will be made in SMEs ranging from seed to early growth stage, in innovative sectors which show a high potential for growth, with a particular focus on Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The fund contains a dedicated 'seed pocket' focusing exclusively on pre-seed and seed companies across the ...
... in non-EU countries. COSME is the EU programme aimed at strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of SMEs running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of €2.3bn. Serbia is the sixth country outside the EU to join and contribute to the programme, after Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Turkey and Albania. Participation in the programme complements Serbia's implementation of the European Small Business Act. Contact   Source: EC Growth On November 5, 2015, Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and Lopandić Duško, Ambassador of Serbia to the ...
... Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for fyr of Macedonia addresses the following: There is a good level of preparation in the area of science and research. Good progress was made with respect to actions on innovation, and with initial and active participation in the EU Research and Innovation Programme "Horizon 2020". In the coming year, the country should focus ...
37% EC Progress report 2015 Serbia Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Serbia addresses the following: Serbia is at good level of preparation in science and research. Some progress was made in improving the framework for science, research and innovation. In the coming year, Serbia should in particular: → take actions to modernise organisation of research and innovation in line with the European Research Area and Innovation Union;  → stimulate cooperation between industry and academia and ...
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