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... of International Cooperation, Sociologist Đurđa Timotijević, RRI Tools trainer, Center for the Promotion of Science; Department of International Cooperation, Psychologist Apart from being one of the partners at the RRI Tools project, the Center for the Promotion of Science also acts as the SEE (Southeast) Hub Coordinator in Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina. The Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN) in Serbia is a public institution established by the Law on Scientific Research with the task to promote science and technology. The Center, according to its mandate, cooperates with research and educational institutions (universities, research centers and ...
... The Centre of Socio-Economic and Business Studies (COSEBS) is a in 2013 established centre at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tirana (FEUT). FEUT was opened in 1951 and is nowadays one of the largest and most prestigious higher education institutions in Albania. COSEBS operates as a financially independent body within FEUT while its board of directors, its status, rules and regulations, assure its ownership to the staff of the faculty and the institution itself; thus it involves all the human, managerial, professional and technical resources of the FEUT. In the past, the ...
31% Regional Research Promotion Programme Project 24. Mar. 2016
... strengthening of regional interactions and cooperation – especially through training and regional / international conferences. The RRPP is coordinated and operated by the Interfaculty Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (IICEE) at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). The RRPP is aimed at fostering and promoting social science research in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Social science research aids in the understanding of the specific needs for reform and in identifying the long-term implications of potential policy choices. Researchers receive support through research grants, methodological and thematic trainings, as well as opportunities for regional and international exchange ...
... excellence in learning and research around GREEN TECH and drives this excellence to multi-ethnic Western Balkan countries to contribute to their better governance and social cohesion, and  further connect the region to the global economy Green-Tech-WB is an Erasmus Mundus action focused on partner countries in lot number 2: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro & Serbia. GREEN-TECH-WB mobility includes 153 grants (28 for Europeans and 125 for WB) around the triangle: cooperation in higher education, research and innovation and under the umbrella of the thematic field of green technologies. . Green-Tech-WB ...
... theoretical concepts and focus on one of the following priority areas: 1) Governance and decentralization 2) Migration 3) Social disparities and welfare state Papers to be presented should display valid research results and handle topics within the region in a comparative manner or deal with the processes of change in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia respectively. All interested candidates should submit a single PDF file containing a short Curriculum Vitae (max. 1 page), an abstract of the proposed conference paper (max. 300 words) and a short letter of motivation ...
32% South Eastern RRI Hub Link 18. Mar. 2016
... members Country Contact person Email Albania:       Center of Socioeconomic and Business Studies (COSEBS) at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana Albania  (Tirana) Esmeralda Shehaj Bosnia and Herzegovina:       Ministry of Science and Technology Bosnia and Herzegovina (Banja Luka) Sinisa Marcic s.marcic@mnk.vladars ...
... Amsterdam Frank Kupper Poland Foundation for Polish Science Varsaw Adam Zielinski Portugal Ciencia Vica - Agencia Nacional para a Cultura Cientifica e Tecnologica Lisbon Carlos Catalão Spain Irsi Caixa Barcelona Rosina Malagrida Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Albania and Montenegro Center for Promotion of Science Belgrade Nemanja Đorđević Sweden Vetenskap & Allmänhet Stockholm KarinLarsdotter United Kingdom University College London London Melanie Smallman
... issues Production standards and certifications of pharmaceutical products   The conference is organized from Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel in Tirana, in collaboration with the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) and the Albanian Order of Pharmacists. Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel, Tirana, Albania
... and topics of the conference, including figures, tables and references of novel research material. This is the 4th Student Conference in Law and the 1st and only International Student Conference focused on LAW and Society. It comes after the last year's success of organizing the 1st National Student Conference in Albania. Like in other years, this year too, Participation Certificates will be accorded and a Professional Jury will select 5 best papers to which a price will be given ...
32% Albanian Society of Program Evaluation (ASPE) Organisation 1. Mar. 2016
... students and so on, from the government, various public, private multi sector, municipal or community networks. The ASPE wants to be an actor who fosters dialogue between various communities and creates opportunities for exchanges on topics of common interest. The focus is to provide a collective nature to evaluation in Albania. Thought is being given to find topics of common interest with other Albanian organizations and to schedule joint activities. Members of these organizations are strongly encouraged to become members. The ASPE has defined its mission as: Contributing to the development of program evaluation in Albania and promoting the use of ...
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