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"SNV Netherlands Development Organisation helps people overcome poverty in developing countries worldwide. With a global presence of 1,600 professionals in 33 countries, we build local capacity to generate employment and income opportunities for people, and improve access to basic services.SNV is dedicated to a society where all people enjoy the freedom to pursue their own sustainable development. Our advisors contribute to this by strengthening the capacity of local organisations."Source: SNV ...
31% Event Announcements: Stability Pact News 1. Dec. 2007
... RCC Meeting From 8 February 2008 till 10 February 2008, in MunichInternational Conference: 44. Munich Conference on Security Policy On 16 January 2008, in BrusselsEuro-Atlantic Partnership Council - EAPC meeting From 11 December 2007 till 12 December 2007, in PodgoricaWorkshop on Vocational Education and Training for participants from Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro From 4 December 2007 till 5 December 2007, in ThessalonikiBAC Meeting From 3 December 2007 till 4 December 2007, in TiranaSP WORKING TABLE MEETINGS From 3 December 2007 till 4 December 2007, in TiranaLaunching of the Albanian edition of the History Workbooks // Side event of the WT I meeting Updates ...
33% SEE-ERA.NET White Paper Document 30. Nov. 2007
The SEE-ERA.NET White Paper in a nutshell The WHITE PAPER offers strategic recommendations and implementation scenarios for connecting the research systems of Southeast Europe to the European Research AreaThe WHITE PAPER identifies opportunities for developing S&T policy strategies, fostering of institutional reforms, institution building and infrastructure development in the Western Balkan countriesThe WHITE PAPER presents scenarios for improving human capacity building and international ...
33% Why invest in science in SEE? Document 30. Nov. 2007
... was organized by the UNESCO Office in Venice, the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Austrian Science and Research Office in Ljubljana. It gathered together ministers and representatives responsible for science and finance from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey, as well as a number of international experts and representatives from international organizations active in South Eastern Europe (SEE). Both events acted as an excellent platform, on the basis of which it was possible to evaluate current and potential initiatives in the SEE region in ...
33% Joint Action Plan Document 30. Nov. 2007
Summarising the recommendations of the White Paper, priority should be giving to the following activities: 1. strengthening strategic reform processes with regard to the national research and innovation systems in the Western Balkan countries and contributing to their sustainability through institution and capacity building. 2. assuring a high level of participation of the Western Balkan countries in the 7th EU Framework Programme on Research and Technological Development and Demonstration ...
In October 2007, short impact studies for Tempus in the Western Balkan countries were published by DG Education. Those can be downloaded here. They cover a brief overview on the higher education system, participation of the countries in Tempus and also a brief assessment of the impact. DG Education (2007): Tempus Impact Studies. Available from: Accessed: 14.11.2007. DG Education ...
... have begun to be used in other faculties. Many Tempus projects have pinpointed innovative ’soft’ solutions for enhancing cooperation with employers in a depressed labour market. Tempus has not only influenced cooperation with ministries and governance; it has also reinforced structural links within universities. Impact of Tempus in Montenegro Tempus projects focusing on curriculum development have led to a review of study programmes (since as early as 2001). Other developments within the framework of the Bologna process include the harmonisation of curricula, the introduction of a credits system and innovative teaching methods, and quality assurance projects. The ECTS has ...
The annual strategy document includes also a summary of the progress made over the last twelve months by each candidate and potential candidate: Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UN Security Council Resolution 1244). In addition, the 2007 progress reports were published, where the Commission services monitor and assess the achievements of each of the candidate and potential candidates over the last year. The so-called "enlargement package" contains also proposals to the Council ...
... UNDP), and with the close co-operation of the European Commission Delegation in Sarajevo. Participants include Ministers of Transport and Communication or of Information Society from the Parties in the Stability Pact’s electronic South East Europe (eSEE) initiative – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania and UNMIK/Kosovo. In addition senior officials of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, UNDP and the EC as well as the Secretary General of the Regional Co-operation Council (RCC), the future successor organisation to the Stability Pact are also participating. In their individual presentations, Ministers from ...
... to the lack of administrative capacity from the side of beneficiary governments, a lack of accountability in civil service and the underdeveloped nature of business environement as well as of civil society. These lessons need to be taken into consideration as Macedonia prepares for managing similar assistance.The challenges facing Montenegro with regards managing IPA funds is similar to those experienced by other potential candidate countries according to Dragan Djuric, Head of Capacity Development Unit in Montenegro. The insufficient level of expertise in public administration to develop and manage the projects coupled with a lack of foreign language knowledge constitutes a ...
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