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Within the project "R&D Capacities" an Assessment Report was published depicting the situation regarding R&D at the universities participating in the project. "The present report is the output of the initial analytical work in the project ‘R&D Capacities’ carried out in 2009. On the one hand it reflects the situation at Western Balkan universities in the year 2009, on the other hand provides essential inputs for consecutive steps within the project: it ...
New publication issued by WUS Austria Sarajevo Office within the framework of the Conference “Austrian Support to Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. "The Austrian Development Cooperation and WUS Austria proudly look back at seventeen years of successful cooperation focused on support to Higher Education (HE) in BiH. The joint efforts encompassed a variety of different projects which all had one thing in common: the belief that sustainable prosperity needs the ...
... in the Western Balkans. The University of Fribourg, upon mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), manages the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP). It was established with the objective to advance Social Science research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. This partnership programme was created following a wide consultation process involving well-respected researchers and research institutions in the region, Switzerland and other European countries. The RRPP operates through three inter-related pillars: 1. The allocation of research grants for projects that deal with issues related to transformation in individual countries and ...
The Conference Language is English. Intending contributors should submit initially only abstracts. Electronicsubmission (in MS Word format) through e-mail is strongly recommended. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee before their acceptance for presentation. Abstracts should be approximately 250 words in length and should clearly quote the scientific contribution of the proposed presentation, the used methodology/approach and expected outcomes. Authors should include at the ...
... Although the government is obviously striving to make some progress in terms of gaining visa liberalization, the EU does not seem to be impressed. Not addressing the Kosovo status issue, the EU has recently accepted the role of mediator in a newly launched technical dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo (UN Res 1244). Unlike its Balkan neighbors, it remains the only country that has not yet specified where exactly it stands on the path towards EU integration. There is no visa roadmap, no Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), and, needless to say, no EU membership application. The European ...
This document, dated May 19, is the Serbian Position Paper on the next EU framework programme for research and innovation as a response to the EC Green Paper „From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation Funding“.
29% 2010 UNESCO Annual Report Document 24. May. 2011
This new initiative of the Organization is a result of a collective effort by the Secretariat and offers Member States and the public at large a comprehensive but easy-to-read account of UNESCO’s activities during the course of the past year. Source: Email from Tousnakhoff, P., UNESCO UNESCO (2011): 2010 UNESCO Annual Report
... be addressed first in the Region. In the frame of the Danube Strategy’s theme 4, “Building Prosperity in the Danube Region”, Priority Area 7 is dedicated to the Development of the Knowledge Society through Research, Education and Information Technologies and jointly coordinated by the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovakia. Miroslav Veskovic, the rector of the University of Novi Sad, comments on the Danube Strategy in his capacity as Serbian coordinator of Priority Area 7 ...
... the Danube Strategy  With the endorsement of the Strategy by the Council, preparations for the implementation of the Strategy start immediately. Each of the eleven Priority Areas is coordinated by two Danube States; to give an example, the Priority Area for the Knowledge Society is coordinated by Slovakia and Serbia. It is now the responsibility of these coordinators and the other Danube countries, regions and stakeholders to agree on a work programme, to explore sources of finance and to identify the most immediate actions to help the region flourish and fully exploit its economic potential. The Commission supports the process ...
... the agri-food sector, following the ‘Triple Helix’ framework. In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the OECD is assisting in the development of a horizontal, whole-of-government, policy framework for innovation. In Montenegro, the OECD is engaged in the design of a voucher scheme to support SME innovation. In Serbia, the OECD is working with government to develop a competence technology centre which would facilitate greater collaboration between industry and the public research community. Albania, Croatia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 will have an opportunity to work with the OECD in 2012. The RCI will also establish working groups ...
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