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Every 6 months, high level political dialogue meetings are organised linking the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the Western Balkan countries. The meetings are co-chaired by the European Commission, the EU Council presidency country (currently Poland) and a country from the region (for the upcoming meeting: Bosnia and Herzegovina). The meeting tookplace on December 1, 2011 in Sarajevo and brought together RTDI stakeholders from all over Europe ...
... of €300). On the registration forms of the training workshop and/or the brokerage event (once they are available) please make sure you tick the option ECITL Conference  Registration – reduced fee. *Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro,The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,  and Serbia Contacts: FP7 Training Workshop contact: Ms. Christina MIARITI (SEERC):  Brokerage Event contact: Ms. Kelly VAVASI (GSRT):, Evi Afentaki (GSRT):    WBC-INCO-NET  is organising a Training Workshop and a Brokerage event with a focus on Transport. The events will ...
The Innovation Infrastructure reports are mapping national innovation systems and relevant stakeholders in the Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia) The main objective of these reports is to add to common understanding of the national innovation systems in the region and to map the innovation infrastructure and stakeholders. Thus, the reports aim to facilitate the identification of potential partner organisations for STI co-operations from the countries. To this end, the ...
28% Vojvodina Metal Cluster Organisation 26. Jul. 2011
Eu founded project. Vojvodina metal cluster - establishing cluster of metal producers in Vojvodina province, in Serbia.
... Smart Cities initiative" to help find more efficient ways to use energy and provide urban transport. The researchers from Western Balkan countries are eligible to apply for funds and benefit form this huge package of funding for research and innovation. Since Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, FYROM and Serbia have the Associated Country status in the FP7, the researchers and organizations from these countries can benefit from this funding on equal footing with researchers and organizations from EU Member States.  The researchers from Western Balkan countries are encouraged to follow the WBC-INCO.NET website in order to be ...
ESFRI has been working since 2002 to spur the development, prioritisation and sustainable operation of valuable new and existing RIs; and it is working now to revise its ‘Roadmap’ of future work. In this report, ESFRI now proposes a 7-point vision for RIs and Europe 2020: 1. By 2020, the European Research Area will have full availability of the needed world-class, top-quality research infrastructures to inspire researchers in every major discipline. The ESFRI Roadmap prioritises 44 ...
... situation in ICT sector, and others. Focus of future activities wil be on establishment of a Project Office of the cluster and Cluster Academy, strengthening business relations abroad with the aim of creating new business opportunities, lobbying and strengthening Vojvodina ICT Cluster’s position of the strongest cluster in Serbia and as the top address for ICT sector in Serbia, as well as further development of partner relationships in Serbia and wider. Dialog of Business, Education and Government In organization of Vojvodina ICT Cluster, Informatics Association of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and Regional Chamber of Commerce from Nis, a series of round tables was started aiming to shed more light on problems in ICT sector of Serbia, and to ...
Please find here the quoted text of the newsletter: The country reports are almost finalised and the regional reports are being prepared. Four specific mode reports are being written concerning road, rail, aero and waterborne. Two regional workshops have been held in Serbia and Turkey. Four more are planned for the autumn in Lithuania, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia. Further information on the project is on the website: or from TransNEW - Regional Workshop Serbia Hosted by UBMaF - the University of Belgrade, the theme of this workshop ...
... period 2011-2013. More follows Indicative IPA financial allocations for the period 2011-2013 Planned allocation in millions of euros (figures are in current prices) Croatia 430.00 Iceland 28.00 former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 304.76 Turkey 2586.90 Albania 257.73 Bosnia and Herzegovina 314.22 Montenegro 91.28 Serbia 587.00 Kosovo 203.61 Multi-beneficiary programme 520.97 Cross-Border Cooperation 214.28 TOTAL 2011-2013 5538.75 Background Since 2007, candidate countries and potential candidates have received focused EU funding and support through a single channel – the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, or IPA. The total pre-accession funding for the ...
At the 6th  International ICQME Conference some of the vital issues of quality, management, engineering, education, and environmental protection will be discussed, and the participants will be from both the university and the commercial fields, which will contribute to a more productive exchange of ideas and experiences.   CONFERENCE THEMES: 1. Benchmarking 2. Business Excellence and Quality Awards 3. Cleaner product 4. e - Quality 5. International standard ISO 14000 – ...
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