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The conference is nationally and regionally recognized as very important forum. 170 papers are registered to be presented at the Conference, respectively: 108 papers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19 from Serbia, 15 from Albania, 12 from Croatia, five from FYR of Macedonia, three from Slovenia, two from Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) and Montenegro, and one each from Turkey, Slovakia, Norway and Hungary. In order to support and enhance regional cooperation, a round table under the title "Regional Cooperation: Challenges and Prospects" will ...
33% The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011 Document 22. Sep. 2010
The Global Competitiveness Report’s competitiveness ranking is based on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), developed for the World Economic Forum by Sala-i-Martin and introduced in 2004. The GCI is based on 12 pillars of competitiveness, providing a comprehensive picture of the competitiveness landscape in countries around the world at all stages of development. The pillars are: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, higher education ...
... the Integrated Management RTD and innovation challenges. NOVIWAM aims to establish long-lasting links between clusters throughout the regions, and allow the triple-helix components to benefit from the scale economies deriving from this multilevel and interregional co-operation. Mentoring activities are strongly considered, as specific needs of clusters from a candidate country (Albania) and insularity problems (Cyprus), have been included. NOVIWAM will produce a Joint Action Plan (JAP) at European level with specific measures and calendar beyond the end of the project. Most countries in European Union are suffering severe water scarcity caused by a negative balance between water resources and water demands ...
... the council, where it is stated that Albania has fulfilled all the required criteria and made all necessary attempts to achieve visa liberalisation,” Cecilia Malmstrom said. Liberalisation would allow Albanian citizens to travel among the Schengen group of countries without the need for a passport. Shortly after meeting Malmstrom, Albania’s Minister of Interior, Lulzim Basha, said: “For Albania, the process was not just a campaign with a begging and an end, but a continuous drive of reforms to achieve standards that would make the country worthy of EU structures." A decision by the EU council of interior ministers, on whether to allow Schengen zone travel for Albanian ...
Internationalisation is vital for SMEs to prosper in an increasingly competitive world and could contribute to sustaining employment, according to a recent study. The survey maps the level of internationalisation of European SMEs, identifies the main barriers and advantages of internationalisation and proposes policy recommendations. The European Commission-funded study, ‘Internationalisation of European SMEs’, was carried out in 2009 and analyses all modes of internationalisation, ...
Fajon says she expects the EP to vote on the issue later this month or in early October. The EP Foreign Affairs Committee adopted a draft report Monday that recommends lifting the EU visa regime for Albania and BiH. The document passed by a vote of 41 to 2, with three abstentions. The draft report moves next to the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs for approval. After that, the EP is expected to vote in late September or October on a draft report covering ...
... the rest of the world. NET4SOCIETY is the international network of National Contact Points for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in the 7th European Framework Programme (FP7), including 47 SSH NCPs from European and non-European countries. In the WBC, NCPs from Croatia,  Serbia, Montenegro and Albania are involved in the project. NET4SOCIETY actively supports networking in the SSH research community and offers improved partner search facilities and matchmaking events for connecting potential project partners in the SSH calls. An analysis of topics in all of the FP7 work programmes helps to identify funding opportunities over and ...
31% NET4SOCIETY Link 13. Aug. 2010
NET4SOCIETY is the international network of National Contact Points for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in the 7th European Framework Programme (FP7), including 47 SSH NCPs from European and non-European countries. In the WBC, NCPs from Croatia,  Serbia, Montenegro and Albania are involved in the project. NET4SOCIETY actively supports networking in the SSH research community and offers improved partner search facilities and matchmaking events for connecting potential project partners in the SSH calls. An analysis of topics in all of the FP7 work programmes helps to identify funding opportunities over and ...
... by the following WBC universities were selected for funding: University of Kragujevac (2x) University of Belgrade (3 x) University of Novi Sad (3 x) University of Montenegro (2 x) University of Mitrovica (1 x) In addition, several WBC institutions are involved in projects submitted by other institutions: Albania (11 projects), Bosnia and Hervegovina (8 projects), FYR of Macedonia (22 projects), Montenegro (13 projects), Serbia (99 projects) and Kosovo/under UNSCR 1244 (11 projects). Proceed to the full list of selected projects including project titles and additional information.     The selection results of the third ...
The purpose of the Guide to Financial Issues relating to FP7 Indirect Actions - version 30/06/2010 - is to help participants to understand and interpret the financial provisions of the Model Grant Agreement (ECGA) that they are signing. To this end, the enclosed text tries to avoid (to the best possible extent) the use of legal references, technical vocabulary and legal jargon, and seeks to provide the reader with practical advice. The structure of this guide mirrors the financial provisions of ...
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