Ms Carmen Ghita

Nuclear Safety Engineer
Academic title
Additional information
• Provided to IAEA lectures and prepared workgroup exercise for the Regional Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety, held in Vilnius, Lithuania (October 2008 and October 2009) and in Abuja, Nigeria (June 2009) • Collaborated to conceptualization and development of the Safety Analysis Report for the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor - Fuel Plant Safety Case • Elaborated the chapter regarding Human Factors of the Safety Analysis Report for the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor - Fuel Plant • Developed project management documents for the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station Design Base Reconstitution • Participated in the revision of Romanian National Nuclear Safety Regulations • Coordinated the elaboration of Nuclear Safety chapters of the National Nuclear Program and elaborated some of its sections • Coordinated chapters and elaborated sections of the study regarding Limits and Technical Conditions for Cernavoda NPP Unit 1 • Elaborated the pilot chapter for the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report for Cernavoda NPP, Unit 1
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