Ms Alma Gerxhani

Public Relations Consultant - Department of Strategy and Donor Coordination
Academic title
Additional information
Alma Gerxhani works as Public Relations Consultant at the Department of Strategy and Donor Coordination, Council of Ministers, Albania. The Department’s mission is to assist the Government of Albania in ensuring that policy coordination, at the strategic level, occurs within the Integrated Planning System framework, leading to greater effectiveness, transparency and accountability. Alma is a Chevening Alumni, specialized in Electronic Publishing, a combination of Journalism and IT. Prior to the current position, Alma worked as Communication Specialist at the only International Airport in Albania, “Tirana International Airport” where she was engaged in building a positive image for the new concessionary company managing the Airport, as well as promoting the construction work for the new terminal. She holds a bachelor degree in Mathematics from Tirana University and an Msc in E-publishing from City University, London, UK.
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