Mr Artush Ghukasyan

Rector of Armenian State Pedagogical University after kh Abovyan
Academic title
Additional information

Contribution of united three-level educational system to the institutions providing higher pedagogical education
considering the peculiarities of the potentials of participants, provision of scientific-educational basis(existence).
- contribution of three-level system of education
- proposal conformation on extension and specification of specialties and specializations
- elaborating united appropriate educational programs
- systemization and unification of requirements for the contents of educational programs, graduation testimonials and qualifications

Conforming and elaborating state educational standards appropriate to the credit- module system of higher specialized education.
- analysis and result summery of activities done in that sphere
- preparing methodical guide-books for the students and professors
- elaborating new educational plans appropriate to credit-module system
- contribution of appropriate system of knowledge assessment as well as transformation, discharge and rehabilitation of students according to the credits

Providing quality of education
- elaborating of external and interior control system of knowledge quality
- Implementation of retraining programs
- participation in European network providing educational quality

Mobility stimulation
- obtaining information about the activities of other higher educational institutions in the sphere of educational improvement, its systemization and analysis from the viewpoint of teaching conditions
- providing standard-legal field in the sphere of cooperation and exchange of educational services and documents
- establishing similar information resources in the consortium higher educational institutions and spreading information
- teacher staff exchange upon the scale of consortium

Stimulating research works
- realization of post-graduate educational system reformations
- establishing structural sectors for post-graduate education process to be implemented with necessary scientific engineering level
- realization of combined scientific research works and joint result summery

Source: Self-entry in November 2007.

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