Mr Vlatko Ilieski

University Professor
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-Contact person of Hellenic Development Assistance and Collaboration Program. Scientific programs supported by Ministry of Health of Greece
Survey of epidemiological aspects of BSE, Leishmaniosis,Filariosis and Ricketsiosis.

-Coordinator of the project “Genetic variability in different populations at dog breed Sharplaninec” with collaborations of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Ljubljana, Slovenija. Working at Veterinary faculty in Ljubljana, Slovenia for Isolation of DNA, PCR methodology, electrophoresis December 2000

-Coordinator of the Joint European Project (JEP) Tempus project CD_15017 - 2000 ( 807). Improvement of veterinary education in the Republic of Macedonia Project identified for Macedonia as relevant for study on university/enterprise cooperation. Partners: Veterinary faculty of Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Guissen, European Association of Establishment of Veterinary Education and Federation of Veterinarians of Europe,

-Project: "Strengthening the veterinary services in the fYR Macedonia, Harmonization of Veterinary Legislation with the Acquis Communautaire Project Co-ordinator Klaus Meyn GFA Terra Systems GmbH On the position - Local veterinary expert - Operation of the veterinary sub sector managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction.

-Coordinator of the national project "Animal Chlamydiosis and its zoonotic implications" which is part of COST action 855. Network of collaboration among researchers in the field of animal and human chlamydioses./ Harmonisation of diagnostic methods
Member of Domain Committee for Food and Agriculture COST programme from Rapporteur for midterm and final evaluation of the COST Actions 848; 854;952

-Member of SEE-ERA-NETs consortium with project: INTAS Ref. Nr 06-1000031-10035 The importance of Chlamydia infections in birds for animal and human health in Southeastern Europe Establishments of multilateral cooperation in the field of diagnosis and testing for chlamydiae by real-time PCR and identification by DNA microarray assay as well as genotyping of Cp psittaci"

- Coordinator of the Project; Western Balkans University Network for animal welfare supported by Royal Society for Protection of cruelty of Animals

- Consortium member of the FP7 project Econwelfare- Good animal welfare in a socio-economic context: project to promote insight on the impact for the animal the production chain and European society of upgrading animal welfare standards KBBE-1-213095


Source: Self-entry in September 2007.

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