Ms Dana Mabger

European Affairs Manager
Academic title
Master of Laws
Additional information

Gender-IT: Project co-funded by the EC under the Lifelong Learning Programme (LdV Action), focusing on fostering gender mainstreaming in the ICT sector; FarmForward: Project co-funded by the EC under the Lifelong Learning Programme (LdV Action), focusing on vocational education and training (VET) in the agricultural sector; Tender: Supply of Media Consultancy Services to the European Commission’s Representation in Greece (following an open tender procedure) Lot 1: Technical Assistance for Events and Campaigns; Trans Dialogue: Project co-funded by the EC under Article 6 of the European Social Fund Regulation. The project objective was to facilitate social dialogue and change management in agro-industry and beyond; BASE: Project co-funded by the EC under Article 6 of the European Social Fund Regulation, which consists an innovative approach towards older workers' employability. Its aim is to invent and develop a coherent mechanism to exploit valuable skills and experience; Journalists discover Leonardo da Vinci: Organization of an international conference under the auspices of the EC, financed under the European programme LdV; Reportstag-e: Project co-funded by the EC under the European Programme Leonardo da Vinci on the creation of an electronic scientific center for added value journalism; Pro Dialogue: Project co-funded by the EC under Article 6 of the European Social Fund Regulation, on Enhancing and Promoting Social Dialogue in the Agricultural Sector, including industry, by developing Innovative Activities with regard to Employment and Sustainable Business Patterns; Alektos & Papagalos: European Year of Languages 2001 Project co-funded by the DG Education and Culture of the EC on innovative actions promoting European multilingualism and cultural diversity

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