Ms Maria Gonnella

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Major projects and research activities · Principal Investigator (PI): ‘Survey of presence of soilless cultures in Apulia’ within the project ‘Soilless Vegetables in Apulia Region’, POP, Apulian Region, 1999-2001 · PI: “Recovery, soilless production and enhancement of minor leafy vegetables (purslane, lambs’ lettuce, wild chicory)”, Project Young Researcher University of Bari, 2000 · Co-tutor for graduated and post-graduated theses on the Ph.D Program in “Mediterranean Agronomy” at the Dipartimento di Scienze delle Produzioni Vegetali, University of Bari, 2001-2009 · Tutor of a two-years scholarship funded by the National Research Council ‘Effect of nitric and ammoniacal nutrition on some Asteraceae species’, 2003-2005 · CO-PI: ‘Color, dry matter, nitrate, glycoalkaloids and soluble oxalate of tubers’ Apulian Regional Program ‘Innovation of process and product for early potato improvement in Apulia Region’. PI: Dr. P. Santamaria, 2004-2007 · CO-PI: Regional Program: ‘Biodiversity and Genetic Resources’. Bio-morphological, production and quality characterization of carosello e barattiere (Cucumis melo L.). PI: Prof. V.V. Bianco. · PI: “Nitrogen fertilization of vegetables: development and transfer of innovative methods to improve fertilizer use efficiency, reduce environmental impact and improve product quality” (AZORT), Interregional project, Scientific Chairman: Prof. A. Pardossi, 2006-2010. Her studies are focused on nitrogen nutrition of vegetable crops to improve N use efficiency and product quality and reduce N leaching in the environment. Besides her studies regard the definition of technical aspects of soilless cultivation for greenhouse crops, with particular reference to floating system and other closed soilless systems for baby leaf crops. These systems are also studied for their suitability to improve the nutritional quality of vegetables (biofortification) as regards their content in healthy mineral and organic components. All the research activity is carried out at the Experimental farm “La Noria” (web site:
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