Ms Alexandra Rodrigues

Project officer / Environment engineer (Consultant/Researcher and Trainer)
Academic title
Additional information
I have been working in International projects, for more than 10 years, undertaken mostly for the European Commission, at the strategic decision level, related to energy, acoustics, sustainable transports, accessibility for all, environment and quality. The typical role that I have been performing for TIS.PT has been of a co-ordinator consultant / project leader of international consortia, often composed by partners from both EU and Accession Countries, such as Universities, Consultants and Public Research Institutions, including the technical and administrative supervision of the projects. Such activity has been framed by European Policies on Transports, Logistics and Energy Sectors, and more recently driven also by growing environmental concerns in relation to the transport sector. This has also implied travelling a lot across Europe, allowing me to get acquainted with the "European context", regarding several initiatives on sustainable transport, undertaken also by the oil industry with regard to such concerns, in the condition of member of the accompanying board of the EC CIVITAS initiative.
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