Ms Emanuela Cincu

Head, 'ACTIVA-N' Laboratory from IFIN-HH, Romania
Academic title
Additional information

"Our Laboratory is Accredited according to the Standard 17025 by the national body with additional international authorised Audit / expertise
supported by IAEA (within the frame of the Regional Project RER 2/004)

The main projects of our Laboratory envisage characterisation of :
(a) radioactive materials of interest for environment and health by accurate control of the radioactivity level (pollution) in soil, water, or of some other materials prepared to be exported, or imported from other countries), by using the gamma- ray spectrometry nuclear technique;

(b) stainless steel and of other metallic alloys materials with regard to the elemental composition, by using the nuclear NAA (Neutron Activation Analysis) - in current use, and by the atomic XRF and OES techniques - which are scheduled to be put in practice in the first part of 2008.

Since recently (2006), we tackled the study of some biomaterials which are in use/for interest in dental clinics.

Our interest in the Platform is :
- to get the highest performance in elemental analysis both by using : combined procedures, new and performant techniques, as well as by
getting knowledge and experience (know-how), so that our results
be used /accepted by the European Commission ECISS for certification (as CRMs - Certifying Reference Materials);
- to develop and extend the characterisation techniques up to the nano-level, in order to contribute to new / improved qualities of materials.

I initiated a collaboration between 5 NAA Laboratories from 4 European countries (Romania, Belgia, Poland, Hungary) making up a small European network, which agreed to perform together analytical experi-ments on the same materials for testing their performance, and also for
getting high accuracy results for use in industry, and other fields.
The first our common results were nice and are - at present - in print
in Journal of Radioanalytival & Nuclear Chemistry .
We expect to enlarge the NAA network and to get results of the highest accuracy which might be used as European reference data, and also to create an EPTIS analytical scheme.
In this sense, we need asistance / collaboration with authorised experts from UE in the NAA field, in application of the XRF , OES techniques, as
well as in the field of getting Reference Material and Certification, experimental data interpretation, etc."

Source: Self-entry in March 2007.

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