Mr Gheorghe Voiculescu

Chief Research Medical Center
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Assesment of the etiological role of emerging microorganisms in human infectious diseases.Election the best antimicrobial clinical therapy Obietives- Lower tract respiratory infections – detection of antibiotic resistance through classical and new methods Respiratory infections, and in particular lower tract respiratory infections, in patients with chronic respiratory diseases (COPD, bronchiectasis...) are a public health problem. Existing data show that there is an association between antimicrobial resistance in Gram negative bacilli and increases in mortality, morbidity, length of hospitalization and cost of healthcare We are an Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital with 2 Pulmonary Diseases Wards with 150 beds and a certified Microbiology Laboratory with highly trained personnel. Our aim is to form a specialized center for diagnostic and treatment of patients with lower tract respiratory infections through: i. Enhancement of bacteriological detection of respiratory
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