Mr Tamas Petrovic

DVM; Virologist
Academic title
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Key words: Veterinary virology, food and environmental virology, vaccine laboratory and clinical trials as well as prevention, diagnostic, control and eradication of contagious diseases and zoonosis. Main projects: • International projects: Participating in two international projects: 1. “A European Network for Environmental and Food Virology – ENVIRONET” (COST Action from November 2006 – November 2010) Web page: 2. Integrated Monitoring and Control of Foodborne Viruses in European Food Supply Chains- VITAL (Grant agreement no.: 213178; FP7 collaborative project; from April 2008 – April 2011). Web page: • National projects: Participated in 15 national scientific and research projects: • Projects of Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia 1. Investigations in order to make improvement and protection of animal health and reproduction, safety of food of animal origin and feed safety - 12М15 (1996 - 2000). 2. Technology procedures for control and eradication of bovine infective rhinotracheitis and contagious chicken anemia; Project No; BTR.5.05.4331.B; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic (2001 – 2004) 3. Development of technology procedures for establishment of the collection of pathogen microorganisms from animals and their isolation, typization, attestation and standardization Project No; ТR-6860B; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic (2005 – 2007) 4. Biotechnology procedures in diagnostics of viral and bacterial infections, microbiological food contaminants and biological products in veterinary medicine Project No; 20115; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic (2008 – 2011) • Project of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management – Veterinary Directorate 1. Estimation of the prevalence of BVDV infection in dairy cattle on Southern Backa and Srem district and determination of present virus types and subtypes; Contract No: 401-00-13672/2006-05; Coordinator dr Tamas Petrovic (2006 – 2007) 2. The prevalence and significance of circovirus infection in swine population in Vojvodina region; Contract No: 401-00-06731/2005-05; Coordinator MSc Radoslav Dosen (2006 – 2007) 3. Epizootiology study, veterinary and selection control of boars for artificial insemination in reproductive centers and harmonization of clinical and laboratory practice with the EU countries; Contract No: 401-00-06729/2005-05; Coordinator dr Milovan Jovicin (2006 – 2007) 4. Development and application of the program for eradication of bovine herpes virus type 1 infection; Contract No: 401-00-13687/2006-05; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic (2006 – 2007) 5. The evaluation of vaccine efficiency against classical swine fever in controlled conditions; Contract No: 401-00-13700/2006-05; Coordinator dr Dragica Stojanovic (2006 – 2007) 6. Estimation of the prevalence and health importance of equine arthritis, equine herpesvirus and equine infectious anemia; Contract No: 401-00-13685/2006-05; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic (2006 – 2007) 7. The importance of avian influenza serology monitoring for prevention of the outbreaks and spread of the infection caused by highly pathogen avian influenza (HPAI) strains; Contract No: 401-00-13684/2006-05; Coordinator dr Dusan Orlic (2006 – 2007) • Project of Provincial Secretary for Science and Technological Development 1. Development of the Programme for Prevention and Eradication of Herpesvirus Infection in Cattle Breeding Herds; Contract No: 114-451-00555/2005-01; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic; (2005-2006) 2. The Project for Development and Improvement of Assembly Line Production of Fetal Calf Sera and Primary Cell Cultures According to the ATCC Standards; Contract No: 114-451-00809/2005-01; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic; (2005-2006) 3. Typization of Avian and other Influenza Viruses by using Molecular Diagnostic Techniques; Contract No: 114-451-01542/2005-01; 114-451-02055/2006-01 and 114-451-001486/2007-02; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic; (2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007 – 2008) 4. Analysis of the implementation of control and eradication program of herpesvirus infection in breeding cattle herds; Contract No: 114-451-00960/2006-01; Coordinator dr Sava Lazic; (2007 – 2008)
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