Mr Genc Myftiu

Executive Director, Consultant
Academic title
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·      PAC (Public Awareness Campaign ) First Systematic Immovable Registration in Albania -funded by World bank -2009-2011
·      Assistance to Donor Coordination Activities in Albania (Consortium with HTSPE) –funded by EU-June 2007-June 2009
·      “Technical Assistance and Training for the Improvement of the Delivery of Public Services at the Local Government Level in Albania” EuropeAid/123506/SER/AL (Consortium with EPTISA)
·       Monitoring and Supervision of “ Korca First Immovable Property Registration project”- financed by EU;2008-2010
·       Technical assisstance to prepare the Preparation of Guidelines, Calls for Proposals for CARDS 2005 Civil Society programme and 2007 European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rightsfunded by EU Delegation in Tirana
·       Technical assisstance to support  Crossborder Aplications in the frame of EC Interreg Greece-Albania Programme and CARDS , funded by EU Delegation in Tirana
·      Albania: Tirana Creditworthiness Enhancement Programme (CEP) funded by EBRD 2007-2008
·      Balkan Agriculture and Food Network (BAFN) in the frame of SSA of FP6 of EU, started on may 2006
·      Strengthening the Environmental Monitoring System in Albania-financed by EU CARDS Program -local coordination and technical support- 2005-2007
·      Integrated Sustainable Development of Tirana Durres region –Albania - financed by EU CARDS Program -local coordination and technical support- 2005-2007


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