PHIME - Public Health Impact of Long-term, Low-level Mixed Element Exposure in Susceptible Population Strata

The background of PHIME was a renewed interest in toxic metals, due to a growing awareness that the exposure in the general population in Europe and elsewhere is at levels with potential to cause toxic effects in susceptible individuals. Such exposures may have a role in the etiology of common clinical diseases, as well as sub-clinical effects, which may be serious for the society. PHIME had 39 partners in 22 countries, mainly in Europe, but also in Morocco, Ecuador, China, the Seychelles and Bangladesh; the project period ended in 2011.

The project contains three pillars, each with several work packages (with several sub-projects).

I. What are the problems? i) We will epidemiologically assess the impact of toxic metals (particularly cadmium, mercury, lead and manganese) exposure through foods on diseases of public health concern (nervous system, cardiovascular, osteoporosis/fractures, kidneys, diabetes). Some studies will utilize unique biobank material. ii) Particular i nterest will be paid to interaction between toxic elements in mixed exposures (several metals and other pollutants), and on new elements (platinum, palladium, rhodium and manganese). iii) We will characterize benefits of exposures to essential elemen ts (selenium, zinc)/other dietary components (fatty acids, fibre), and describe some aspects of risk/benefit relationships. iv) We will address pathomechanisms. v) We will focus on susceptible groups (fetuses/infants/children, fertile women and elderly, nu trition and gene-environment interactions), as regards metabolism and toxic effects.

II. Where are the problems? vi) We will develop and validate new methods for biomonitoring of exposures. vii) We will define geographical patterns/sources of exposure in EU Member States, especially in children and women. viii) We will assess time trends of exposure, retrospective and prospectively.

III. Possible solutions to the problems ix) We will develop probabilistic models, describing the exposures and exposure-resp onse patterns. This will enable scientifically-based decisions by national, EU and international bodies on preventive actions. x) We will explore mechanisms of uptake and distribution of toxic and essential elements in plants, which will make it possible to breed species with low concentrations of toxic elements and high of essential. This gives a possibility to change the intakes through plant foods and the transportation into animal foods.

Project Reference: 16253

Contract Type: Integrated Project

Start Date: 2006-02-25

End Date: 2011-08-24

Duration: 60 months

Project Status: Completed

Please find further information on the projects outcome at:

Information on the project partners can be found here:

Project type
  • FP6
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Medical and Health Sciences
February 2006 - February 2011

Entry created by Anngrit Pichler on March 20, 2012
Modified on April 29, 2014