Integrating and Strengthening Genomic Research in Southeastern Europe

Over the past decade significant resources have been committed to development of capacities for genomic research in Croatia. These efforts have lead to formation of the Centre for Functional Genomics of the Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, University of Zagreb. Within the national confines, Centre for Functional Genomics formed strong links with other Croatian groups interested in genomic research, as well as with recognised centres of excellence in European Union (in Scotland, Portugal and Germany), and also with the Harvard University (USA).

Initially formed through common research interests, these collaborations resulted in award of several research grants from the Croatian Ministry of Science, as well as international grants with EU partners (from The British Council, Royal Society UK, The Welcome Trust, Medical Research Council UK, National Institutes of Health USA and European Union). This proposal therefore seeks to strengthen and reinforce Centre for Functional Genomics of the Zagreb Medical School and its existing links with Croatian and EU centres. 

Project type
  • FP7
Country of the coordinating institution
Contact details
Address: Centre for Functional Genomics Salata 2 Zagreb
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Medical and Health Sciences
May 2008 - April 2010

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 22, 2010
Modified on March 29, 2012