Evaluation of the Research Capacity and Development of a Strategy for Further Growth in Chemistry in General and in Food Science in Particular

The Institute of Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia has gained international recognition due to its scientific results and collaboration with distinguished research groups from European universities and research centres. It is nominated as a potential centre of excellence due to its competence supported by the fact that 28.3 % of all scientific papers published in international journals cited in SCI between 1971 and 2004 from R. Macedonia come from this Institute. The association of the country to FP7 has brought opportunities for researchers to take part in European research activities. Performing an international independent expert evaluation of the level of the research quality and capability of the Institute of Chemistry, FSM, will be very important with regards to its positioning in the country and wider as an established research entity and a Centre of excellence. This assessment will direct the strategic orientation of the Institute to keeping the existing research groups competent and competitive in the ERA and strengthening and encouraging the others. The group working in the area of food analysis has been involved in the FOOD-Cluster initiative of the European Commission due to its coordination of a FP7 Capacities project related to food science.


  • International independent expert evaluation of the level of the overall research quality and capability of the Institute of Chemistry, UKIM-FSM, in collaboration with national experts/researchers using standard methodology, which will be further used for its establishment as a Centre of Excellence in research in chemistry. This will be the first such evaluation in the country and should promote this kind of an independent and objective expertise to other research entities as well as to policy makers.
  • International independent expert evaluation of the university-industry-government connections in the food sector in the country with emphasis on the research component is substantial for this country to its strategic orientation in food research as well as for its visibility in the region and in Europe
  • Building strategies based on a diverse group of stakeholders and defining Action Plans for improving the overall research capacities of the Institute of Chemistry, as well as for its positioning and more active involvement in research in various fields, especially in the food sector
  • Discussion of the Action plans on several levels: at the Institute of Chemistry; with researchers in the food domain (Faculty of Agriculture and Food, Institute of Agriculture), stakeholders in the domain of scientific research and food policy (Ministry of Agriculture, Food Directorate), and the business community (SMEs)
Project type
  • FP7
Country of the coordinating institution
Republic of North Macedonia
Contact details
E-Mail: marinaiv@pmf.ukim.mk
Address:c/o Assoc. Prof. Marina Stefova SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences & Mathematics Arhimedova 5, 1001 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Agricultural Sciences
February 2009 - July 2010

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 13, 2009
Modified on March 30, 2012