Twinning for excellence in Smart and Resilient Urban Development: Advanced Data Analytics Approach

The project UR-DATA aims to strengthen significantly the research capacity and scientific excellence at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš (FEUN) by enhancing networking activities with Poliedra - Polytechnic University of Milan (POLIEDRA) and Oslo Metropolitan University (OSLOMET) in the field of smart and resilient urban and regional development using state-of-the-art data analytics and optimization tools in a data-rich environment. 

The project aims to strengthen significantly the research capacity and scientific excellence at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš (FEUN) by enhancing networking activities with Poliedra - Polytechnic University of Milan (POLIEDRA) and Oslo Metropolitan University (OSLOMET) in the field of smart and resilient urban and regional development using state-of-the-art data analytics and optimization tools in a data-rich environment. 

This is to be achieved through the following objectives: 
- Enhancing the scientific capacity of FEUN by establishing a Laboratory of Land Economy and Urban Analytics (LEUA) at FEUN where the researchers from POLIEDRA and OSLOMET will perform training activities, transfer knowledge and best practices, conduct workshops and seminars aimed to include early-stage researchers and FEUN staff; 
- Raising the research profile of FEUN staff through strengthening research experience and collaborative research and joint papers with researchers from leading European universities 
- Creating a long-term scientific strategy of FEUN for stepping up and stimulating scientific excellence in the field of smart and resilient urban development analysis using contemporary quantitative tools of data analytics 
- Enhancing career prospects for early-stage researchers, through short-term exchanges, workshops, seminars and summer schools, with renowned researchers in the field 
-Strengthening administrative and project management skills of staff at FEUN, by establishing Project Management unit to deal exclusively with the preparation of project proposals, administration and financial management of projects. 

The project addresses the specific challenge of enhancing networking activities between a research institution from the widening country and two internationally leading European counterparts. By strengthening the research management and administrative skills of the coordination institution from the WB country, the project will help raise its research profile.

Knowledge Transfer, Exchange of Best Practice in Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development Research, Scientific Excellence in Urban Analysis

Project type
  • Horizon Europe
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • Horizon Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Natural Sciences
September 2022 - August 2025

Entry created by POLICY ANSWERS Project support on November 16, 2022
Modified on November 16, 2022