Αgile leadership transformation for business in circular economy

AGILE4CIRC objectives are aligned with EU policies in the field of employment fostering sustainable development of the economy, increasing the level of employment, equal opportunities for all, a high degree of economic competitiveness, increased quality of life and economic and social cohesion.
AGILE4CIRC promotes the social inclusion through an innovative approach helping adults to deliver a business with a value proposition in the growing field of Circular Economy in the world. It is structured as a journey, made of several steps and challenges where low-skilled or low-qualified adults will acquire new knowledge and skills, improve their entrepreneurial skills and achieve their personal and professional objectives. During the journey they will empower themselves and promote social good and cross-cultural fertilization. In particular they will:
  1. Get to know themselves, set and focusing on their objectives,
  2. Develop entrepreneurial skills, including soft and hard skills
  3. Realize and implement their own innovative business idea.
The Project is designed to have a long-term benefit to the low-skilled or low-qualified adults around Europe. Partner organizations will seek to use all new tools created during the project, to carry out actions aimed at a wide audience, beyond the defined target numbers in this project. Associated partners will help to embrace results after the project ends.
Target group
Primary target group for the activities of the Project is the unemployed residents of Luxembourg, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, and the Republic of North Macedonia. More specifically:
  • The short-term and long-term unemployed
  • People out-of-employment
  • Job-seeking adults
Secondary target groups include, among others: adult counsellors, local development agencies, business associations, chambers of commerce, labour employment services, adult education policy-makers, Higher Education Institutes, trade unions, business incubators, business accelerators, and social enterprises.


In the framework of the Project, the partnership of AGILE4CIRC will:

  • Design of innovative methodological framework for development of business ideas using Agile.
  • Do a research on Circular Economy and Social Responsibility in each country dedicated to
adults and new business opportunities to be developed for the targeted group in the new economy.
  • Design a training course and toolkit applied to Circular Economy and Social Responsibility.
  • Develop Incubating Service Management System for business agility in the Circular Economy and incubate 12 business ideas.
  • Start MOOC platform with all the training Materials, necessary reports and funding support material.


AGILE4CIRC activities will include:

  • Development of innovative methodological framework basing on Agile.
  • Development of training course that will motivate adults to re-enter the employment market or start new businesses in circular economy.
  • MOOC will be started as a supporting tool for successfully developing and incubating business ideas.
  • Motivational and confidence building activities for adults to stimulate them to continue working career or starting a new one.
  • Virtual incubating of new business ideas generated by adults during the project.
  • Dissemination events, including seminars with relevant stakeholders, workshops and a closure conference.
  • Other activities related to Quality Assurance, Evaluation, Exploitation and Sustainability of AGILE4CIRC outcomes.
Project type
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
September 2019 - August 2021

Entry created by Mishko Djidrov on October 20, 2020
Modified on October 20, 2020