Research, Connections, Networks and Culture

ReConNeCt project has the ultimate goal to unveil the true personalities of researchers and show their multifaceted, subtle and “only humans” side.

This is a true challenge knowing that the researchers are usually perceived as hardcore, hard to approach loners who love to deconstruct scientific mysteries, unselfishly work for the benefit of mankind and, in a word, improve our daily lives. Being completely in line with the main common objectives of the European Researchers’ Night, ReConNeCt project, besides these highlighted objectives, puts special emphasis on the most important – the beginnings of one’s future scientific odyssey i.e. inspiring and motivating the young generations of future scientists and life-changers.
The outlined concept and the content planned will help to achieve the following specific objectives:
• To break and demystify the persistent and repeated stereotypes about researchers;
• To bring out the actual researchers in Serbia, engage them publically and increase their recognition both in Serbia and globally;
• To promote research carried out in Serbia and researchers as role models;
• To unveil the motives behind becoming a researcher and entice the young to embark on scientific careers;
• To show the importance of scientific research and raise public awareness of the researchers' contribution to progress and development;
• To raise public awareness about the impact of researchers in ever important fields like climate changes and global warming, but also in the subtle realm such as cultural heritage (in line with celebrating 2018 as the European Year of Cultural Heritage);
• To highlight the importance of the EU’s manifold support to researchers and scientific research work in Serbia;
• To improve networking with other national/international projects involved in science popularization, through mutual support of events and exchange of ideas, experiences and people.

Project type
  • H2020
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • H2020
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
May 2018 - October 2019

Entry created by Admin on April 4, 2020
Modified on April 10, 2020