In Silico trials for drug tracing the effects of sarcomeric protein mutations leading to familial cardiomyopathy

The aim of SILICOFCM project (In Silico trials for drug tracing the effects of sarcomeric protein mutations leading to familial cardiomyopathy) is to develop a computational platform for in silico clinical trials of FCMs that would take into consideration comprehensive list of patient specific features (genetic, biological, pharmacologic, clinical, imaging and patient specific cellular aspects) capable of optimizing and testing medical treatment strategy with the purpose of maximizing positive therapeutic outcome, avoiding adverse effects, avoiding drug interactions, preventing sudden cardiac death, shortening time between the drug treatment commencement and the desired result. The SILICOFCM is a multi-modular, innovative in silico clinical trials solution for the design and functional optimization of whole heart performance and monitoring effectiveness of pharmacological treatment, with aim to reduce the animal studies and the human clinical trials. The SILICOFCM platform is based on the integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale methods for analysis of patient-specific data and development of patient-specific models for monitoring and assessment of patient condition from current through the progression of disease.

The developed system will be distributed on the cloud platforms in order to achieve efficient data storage and high-performance computing, that can offer end users results in reasonably short time. Academic technical partners IIT, UOI, UL and BSC will be responsible for developing and integration of in silico cloud computational platform with multi-scale cardiac muscle modelling which include experiments on protein mutation in vitro from UNIKENT, UNIFI and UW. Bioinformatics tools will be integrated by US company SBG. Clinical partners UNEW, ICVDV, UPMC and UHREG will do retrospective and prospective studies. SME partner R-Tech will be in charge of regulatory issues and reports and BIOIRC will do the exploitation of the project.

The project has received a total funding of EUR 5,507,441.25.Project is coordinated by Serbian organisation Bioengineering Research and Development Center– BioIRC doo.


Project type
  • H2020
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • H2020
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Medical and Health Sciences
June 2018 - November 2021

Entry created by Admin on March 6, 2020
Modified on March 9, 2020