Boosting Engagement of Serbian Universities in Open Science

BE-OPEN (Boosting Engagement of Serbian Universities in Open Science) is a structural project funded under the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education action. The project is coordinated by the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. The main objective of the project is to develop conditions for the implementation of the core principles of Open Science at universities in Serbia.

Open science, open innovation, and openness to the world are set as one of the main research and innovation strategies in the European Research Area. Open science provides an effective framework for the enhancement of research transparency, dissemination, collaborations, and accountability. Serbian academic community have recognized the importance and advantages of open science principles which is manifested through the numerous initiatives undertaken by the government bodies, faculties, libraries, NGOs, and journal publishers. However, in the absence of coordination, compromise on standards, and a solid legislative support, these initiatives seem isolated and ineffective from the global point of view.

The main aim of the Project is to foster, standardize, and coordinate the implementation of open science principles at Serbian universities. The Project objective is threefold: 1. to advance national and institutional guidelines, policies, and incentives related to the open science, 2. to establish digital repositories at all Serbian universities and to foster their infrastructural development and interoperability, and 3. to build institutional and individual capacities in order to ensure the sustainable implementation of open science principles and enhance the social inclusiveness and accountability of publicly-funded research.

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Project type
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
October 2016 - October 2019

Entry created by Admin on October 12, 2018
Modified on October 12, 2018