Employment and Social Affairs Platform

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will jointly create a sub-regional Western Balkans Platform on Employment and Social Affairs in order to strengthen subregional cooperation in adopting and implementing effective labour market and social policy reforms.

This project will help strengthening regional cooperation in the field of Employment and Social affairs. The objective is to improve the employment/labour market and social reforms in the Western Balkans through different types of activities: experience exchange of the ESRP, capacity building, regional meetings and exchange of good practices. It will be important to identify future needs for the support and to ensure the sustainability of the reforms.

Potential problems could occur in the frame of the sustainability. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the Governments in the region are committed to the platform and that they will be willing to continue long-term reforms.

The overall objective of the Platform is to assist the Western Balkans with reforms in the employment/labour market and social policy area in their pre-accession process. The focus is on improving the policy dialogue related to labour market institutions, labour mobility, working conditions and social dialogue at the regional level.

The Platform will be monitored by the RCC, ILO and the European Commission/DG EMPL and DG NEAR. The Western Balkans will be asked to present the reforms planned and implemented during the regional conferences. Besides this, they will need to report on their progress related to the ESRP preparation.

Cross-cutting issues:

  • Environment and climate change
  • Engagement with civil society
  • Equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming
  • Minorities and vulnerable groups

Source: europa.eu

Project type
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
April 2016 - March 2019

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on June 28, 2016
Modified on July 4, 2016