Energy Vision 2020

Reducing pollution, improving energy efficiency and the use of energy from renewable sources are the central priority in the EU agenda. In many countries of SEE the energy intensity is among the highest in Europe.

The EnVision 2020 project starts from the assumption that the energy consumption of the nations concerned can be edited with a forward-looking approach focused on the adoption of specific measures to reduce consumption.

The main objectives of EnVision 2020 there are:

  • The analysis of the energy sector and the analysis of the consumption of energy resources in partner countries;
  • The identification of the technologies to be used to promote energy efficiency,
  • The identification and development of new innovative financial instruments
  • The identification of road maps and of strategies shared by all the City partners involved.

While the project will run for 24 months, the whole project action will produce a strategic plan for the partners until 2030.

So in support of RES and EE improvements, the proposed action will:

  • Develop a report describing the legislative gaps in the target countries as well as challenges for SEE as a whole;
  • Identification of the most promising technologies to improve energy efficiency and RES including an impact assessment of these interventions;
  • Development of technology roadmaps (including market pull through awareness raising of the benefits of RES and EE improvements and technology push through the identification of technologies that may need further R&D efforts, production and marketing to meet demand);
  • Identifying a financial framework, financial instruments and public policies to support this push and pull;
  • Analysis of previously conducted RES and EE projects, highlighting the real-world costs and benefits that can come from improvements.
Further Information:
Project type
  • Interreg SEE
Country of the coordinating institution
Contact details
Phone:+359 -2-9815132
Address:MUNICIPALITY OF SOFIA 33, Moskovska Str., 1000 Sofia
EnVision 2020
Geographical focus
  • SEE
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Natural Sciences
December 2012 - November 2014

Entry created by Ivan Zupan on April 15, 2014
Modified on April 29, 2014