
Specific objectives in the project: Development of a marketing strategy for the introduction of an innovative, environmentally friendly and sustainable product, Set up a mechanism to exploit across Europe, Encourage the re-use and recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in order to shift CDW management from disposal to recycling and reduce utilization of natural resources thus preventing landscape degradation, Promote the substitution of conventional thermal insulation materials by mineral wool produced using innovative and sustainable technology, leading to a reduced environmental impact, Promote implementation of prefabricated, energy efficient products in order to enable reduction of primary energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings, Reduce embodied energy, embodied carbon and production of by-product wastes.

ECO-SANDWICH is a ventilated prefabricated wall panel utilising recycled CDW and sustainable Ecose® technology mineral wool for reduction of primary energy consumption in building stock. The concept incorporates three priorities of the eco-innovation call; it uses recycled material to create innovative sustainable building product which contributes to greening the business of SMEs through decreasing their environmental impact accompanied by the use of less non-renewable or natural resources, and energy efficiency of final products (buildings). The ECO-SANDWICH represents a significant improvement over the existing prefabricated wall panel products, aligning itself with the mandatory targets of the EU Directives targets - EPBD, its Recast EPBD II and Waste Framework Directive (recycled CDW in concrete production, mineral wool based on Ecose® Technology, reduction of primary energy use in buildings where the ECO-SANDWICH is installed). Contribution to innovation of the ECO-SANDWICH project is the development of a ventilated prefabricated concrete wall panel that uses mineral wool as core insulation and modification of concreting technology.

Project type
  • FP7
Coordinating institution
Country of the coordinating institution
Contact details
E-Mail: banjadi
Address:Fra Andrije Kačića-Miošića 26, 10 000 Zagreb, 10 000 Zagreb
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology
September 2012 - August 2015

Entry created by Philipp Brugner on April 11, 2014
Modified on April 11, 2014