Innovation and Design in the SEE WOOD (ID:WOOD)


ID:WOOD aims to promote and foster innovation and competitiveness of SMEs in the wood sector in the SEE area by sharing and transferring technical and organizational know-how to enable local support organizations to address structural deficits of SMEs and enhance innovation potentials.

Project objectives:building up and consolidating transnational network of wood-furniture clusters, wood technology centres, RDAs and knowledge poles; fostering innovation skills in the wood sector supporting structures; creating new functions and competencies on design, intellectual property and environmental issues; bridging gaps between the productive sector and knowledge poles; rising SMEs capacity to implement innovation processes.

Results: improved capacities of support organisations; transnational cooperation between support organisations, knowledge poles and productive sector; increased information flow towards SMEs; innovation, design and knowledge transferred to SMEs; sustainability of the transnational network/support system and SMEs cooperation after project end; increased knowledge on market opportunities.


ID:WOOD project is implemented by a partnership of 15 organizations, leaded by the Slovenian Forestry Institute (SFI). Eleven organizations are from EU countries (ERDF partners) and four – from non EU counties (IPA partners), thus representing six EU countries and three non EU countries in total. Among the partners there are three associated partners (ASP partners) from two EU countries and a 10% partner.

Project type
  • Interreg SEE
  • Other
Country of the coordinating institution
Contact details
Phone:+386 1 200 78 00
Address:Vecna pot 2 Ljubljana
Geographical focus
  • SEE
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Natural Sciences
October 2012 - September 2014

Entry created by Ivan Zupan on March 19, 2014
Modified on April 11, 2014