Capacity building to implement state of the art surveillance systems for anti-biotic consumption and resistance in Kosovo

The projects intends to increase research capacity in the public health sector in Kosovo* in order to determine the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and to improve the quality of antibiotic prescribing, with the overall aim to improve the health and wellbeing of patients infected with antimicrobial resistant organisms and their families.

Implemented by:

National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo*


Kosovo*: Prishtina, Peja, Prizren, Gjakova, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Mitrovica

Belgium: University of Antwerp; Laboratory of Medical Microbiology

Duration :

 30 months (3.7.2012- 15.1.2015)

EU contribution

 220.000 EURO

Goal and Objectives:

Specific objectives:

  • Monitor volumes and patterns of antibiotic use in order to identify targets for quality improvement.
  • Maintain and improve co-ordinated and coherent surveillance mechanisms for consumption of antibiotics through improving the data quality and evidence base for inappropriate prescribing.
  • Establish a comprehensive surveillance system of antibiotic resistant bacteria in hospital- and community- acquired infections through improvement of the research capacity of central and regional laboratories

Target groups:

  • Doctors, trainee doctors, pediatricians, neonatologists and health care workers prescribing antibiotics
  • PhD student of National Institute of Public Health Kosovo* (NIPHK)
  • Laboratory Technician at central and regional hospital level

Final beneficiaries:

  • Common population and it’s public health sector

Estimated results:

  • Data on the different spectrum of antibiotics is obtained
  • Data on the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in hospitalized patients and community acquired urinary tract infected patients is obtained

Main activities:

  • Conduct surveillance of antibiotic consumption through a hospital web-based one-day Point Prevalence Survey (PPS) of antimicrobial use in all Kosovo* hospitals. 
  • Conduct surveillance of antibiotic resistant bacteria in hospital- and community-acquired infections through the improvement of central and regional laboratory capacity

Project manager:

Lul Raka

Project type
  • Other
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • Kosovo*
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Medical and Health Sciences
July 2012 - January 2015

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on November 13, 2013
Modified on November 13, 2013