EFB Fellowship Programme for Policy Researchers from the Western Balkans Region

The programme aims to contribute to further capacity building and professional development of policy researchers from the region of Western Balkans allowing them to build networks across Europe through paid visits to other policy research institutions and think-tanks in the EU and other countries of the Western Balkans (WB).

This programme is developed by widening the existing support to networking with an opportunity for creating links to EU and WB based think-tanks and policy organisations. The programme is a joint undertaking of the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and the Think Tank Fund (TTF) of the Open Society Institute based in Budapest. The administration of the programme is carried out by the European Fund for the Balkans.


Contribute to the further capacity building and professional development of policy researchers from the region of the Western Balkans allowing them to build networks across Europe through paid visits to the other policy research institutions and think – tanks in the EU and other countries of the Western Balkans.


The six month Programme is composed of the following activities:

Residential stay at Host Institution

Continuation of work at Home Institution
Opportunity for the Fellow to engage in the ongoing policy research projects and develop concrete policy products, guided by senior policy analysts from the host institution After returning to home institution, the Fellow continues to work on the final report from both the mentor and the Fellow, which will be presented to the EFB at the end of the Fellowship
Timeframe: 3 MONTHS Timeframe: 3 MONTHS
Project type
  • Other
Coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
January 2010 - December 2012

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 17, 2013
Modified on September 17, 2013