Balkan vegetables research centre for transfer of European knowledge, research and practice

The initiatives of the project “Balkan Vegetables Research Centre for transfer of European knowledge, research and practice” aim to support the progress of Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute (VCRI) to be reinforced as a leading research center for Balkan region in the field of vegetable science.  Project activities comprise:

1) Lectures held by prominent researchers from leading European Institutes to transfer the recent achievements of European science; 

2) Enhancement the professional level of young researchers and exchange of know-how and experience for senior scientists in relevant advanced European Institutes; 

3) Improvement and up grading the technical status of Maritsa VCRI; 

4) Establishment of Maritsa VCRI as a dissemination centre and promoter of European knowledge and practice in the field of vegetable science on Balkans by active collaboration between relative institutes; 

5) Support of Maritsa Technology Transfer Office (TTO) as an innovative interface between the Institute and vegetable producers and processors to transfer the advanced European technologies. 

All the project activities are fulfilled in collaboration with the prestige European research institutes as Research Unit for Genetic Improvement of Fruit and Vegetables - Plant Breeding and Genetics Department, INRA, Monfavet, France; Research Institute of Organic Farming (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland; Wageningen University and Research Center, The Netherlands; Institute of Sciences of Food Production, Bari, Italy; Metapontum Agrobios, Metaponto,  Italy; The Development Agency East Netherlands (Oost NV) as well as relative institutes on Balkans.

Work Packeges

Work Package 1

Title: Project management
Aim: To manage the performance of project activities; to coordinate the proper spending of EU contribution according to the financial plan.

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Work Package 2

Title: Recruitment European scientists
Aim: Acquaintance of large scale audience of researchers, specialists and patricians with the latest achievements of European knowledge in the field of plant genetics diversity and molecular breeding; modern approaches of virus resistance in vegetables; plant nutrition and biofertilizers; biological control of plant diseases with antagonistic microorganisms, compost production for quality insurance and plant health in vegetable production.

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Work Package 3

Title: Training and sabbatical visits of Maritsa VCRI staff 
Aim: 1. Enhancement the professional level of young researchers by short-term visits in advanced European Institutes; 2. Exchange of know-how and experience of senior scientists of Maritsa VCRI in relevant advanced European Institutes.

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Work Package 4

Title: Technical up grading of Maritsa VCRI
Aim: Improvement and up grading the technical status of Institute with new trends equipment.

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Work Package 5

Title: Maritsa VCRI as a dissemination Balkan vegetable centre and promoter of European knowledge and practice
Aim: Establishment of Maritsa VCRI as a dissemination centre and promoter of European knowledge and practice in the field of vegetable science in Bulgaria as well as in Balkan region.

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Click here to access the projects' results, documents and publications.

Project type
  • FP7
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Natural Sciences
February 2008 - July 2012

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on March 18, 2013
Modified on March 18, 2013