Agro-incubator Žepče

AI Žepče

The Agro-Incubator Žepče was established by the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers of Žepče in August 2008 with the aim of providing infrastructural support for agribusiness development in the municipalities of Žepče, Zavidovici and Maglaj.

The specific objectives of Agro-incubator Žepče are:
• To provide an increase of quality and quantity of products through use of infrastructural support of Agro-incubator;
• To commercialize products and to facilitate access to the market;
• To provide sustainability and expansion of production trough help in access to financial sources;
• To provide business contacts and to connect individual farmers and smes;
• To contribute to integration of agro-business to economical flows and registration of agricultural production;
• Education of farmers about agricultural production and associating.

The Project „Agro-incubator Žepče“ is financed within the CARDS program as a part of the fifth call of the EU to assist small and medium enterprises and regional economic development (EU RED Fund). The project was founded by the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers Žepče together with two partners: the Association of Agricultural Producers “Poljoprivrednik” from Zavidovići and the Association of Agricultural Producers „Jedinstvo“from Bočinja, Maglaj. „Agro-incubator Žepče“is located in a newly reconstructed facility spread on 650 square meters.

Contact person:
Mira Jovic, Executive Director

  • Cluster/Incubator/Innovation Infrastructure
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact details
Phone:+387 32 888 058
Fax:+387 32 888 058
Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on May 21, 2012
Modified on May 21, 2012