
Europe INNOVA is a European initiative which aspires to become the laboratory for the development, testing and promotion of new tools and instruments in support of innovation, with a view to helping innovative enterprises to innovate faster and better. The aim is to support all forms of innovation, taking into account the great societal challenges of today.

Europe INNOVA has the ambition to become the main pan-European platform for innovation professionals, which will enable them to discuss, develop, test and exchange ‘better practices’ in support of innovators and to contribute to a better understanding of the innovation patterns in different sectors. To this end, Europe INNOVA will be driven by innovation agencies and other public or private innovation support providers that are interested in working together in partnerships to search for new forms of innovation support at European level.

Europe INNOVA aims to exploit Europe’s innovation potential as effectively as possible, by contributing to the creation of an environment in which enterprises can start, grow and thrive, thus supporting the competitiveness and sustainable development that Europe requires. To maximise its potential impact, Europe INNOVA will follow a ‘strategic approach’ by identifying which new innovation support mechanisms need to be developed at European level.

Europe INNOVA offers a sound analysis and mapping of sectoral innovation and identifies sectoral barriers to, and opportunities for, innovation, listening to the needs and recommendations of European businesses and innovation professionals. To follow such an ‘evidence-based’ approach in support of innovation, Europe INNOVA intends to provide more and better practical information services about sectoral innovation patterns and match-making facilities in support of entrepreneurial innovation.

  • EU
  • Network
Contact details
Phone:+32-2 737 7440
Fax:+32-2 737 74 49
Address: Europe INNOVA Communications, Project Manager Dr. Jacques Viseur EURO TOP Avenue Louise, 486 (B14), Louizalaan B-1050 Brussels
Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 28, 2010
Modified on March 12, 2014