University of Mostar "Džemal Bijedić"


"The general characteristic of the period since the founding of the University, on 11th February 1977, until 1992, had been its instituonalisation, creation of the material conditions for development, assembling of the teaching cadre, organisation of the education based on modern principles. In the period from April of 1992 until 9th May 1993 "The Džemal Bijedić" University suffered a great deal of illegal and violently executed reforms, and practically lost its autonomy.
In May of 1993, the war and taking away of the University's entire property ( its building, equipment, library, student standard buildings), which remained in the possesion of newly founded University of Mostar, caused the temporary interruption of the scientific-teaching process. This process was continued in November of 1993 when the basic conditions were created. At that time, a small numuber of teaching and administrative cadre was facing many problems, but they were menaging to solve them with the help of the authorities of that time, and their own enormous efforts and salf-sacrifice.
The University has menaged to partially solve a certain number of problems up to this day, so working conditions are better now than in the previous period.


In February of 2003, the University Council enacted The Plan of Institutional Development of The University of "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar for a period of 2003-2010.
Many weaknesses which appeared in past organisation and the menagement of the University, resulted in understanding of the necessity of reforming the higher education. By introducing the new forms of organisation and integration, and reforms in menaging, the University will meet the requirements of harmonizing the system of higher education and will be able to join, as an equal partner, the international university network."

Source: University website, as accessed in February 2007.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact details
Phone:++387 3 6570727
Fax:++387 3 6570032
Address: Univerzitetski kampus88104 Mostar, 88104 Mostar
Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • General/no specific focus
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Entry created by Elke Dall on March 14, 2007
Modified on March 14, 2007