Centre for SME and Entrepreneurship Policy


The Centre for SME and Entrepreneurship Policy (CEPOR) is the first think-tank in Croatia, which deals with the problems of the SME sector. CEPOR is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 based on the Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Open Society Institute - Croatia. 10 institutional founders of CEPOR are the leaders in their fields of work - from the academic community to business associations, development agencies and entrepreneurial centers.

The Centre’s mission is fulfilled with the following activities:
• Connecting with policy centers whose activities are focused on the issues of SMEs and entrepreneurship;
• Organizing round tables, workshops and gatherings focused on policy aspects of the development of the SMEs sector and entrepreneurship; and
• Educating groups in charge of implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies towards SMEs.

Areas of the Centre’s work are:
- Research: Independent research related to policy of development of entrepreneurship and SMEs with the purpose to objectively define the problems and propose solutions.
- Policy Development: Providing counsel to government institutions with the purpose of building Government's legislative and institutional capacity for designing and implementing efficient and non-discriminatory policies for the development of SMEs.
- Advocacy: Organizing activities that will allow problems of SMEs to be heard and discussed in the public, and presenting recommendations to the Government in order to achieve specific solutions.

Contact Person:
Mirela Alpeza, Director
E-mail: malpeza@cepor.hr

Further contact details are provided below.

  • Research Institute
Contact details
E-Mail: malpeza@cepor.hr
Phone:+ 385 1 2305 363
Address:Trg J.F.Kennedya 7, 10000 Zagreb
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences
Related users

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 8, 2008
Modified on May 8, 2014