Academic Association for Security Studies


"The German Academic Association for Security Studies is a union of safetypolitical university's groups at German universities.
We step for the protection of the free democratic constitutional structure of the Federal Republic of Germany. To whose we affirm safety device the list of armed forces, why many of our members beside the academic work engage themselves as a reservist of the German Federal Armed Forces.
The membership is open to all security-politically interested studying and academic teaching staff. On safetypolitical meetings the participation have the chance to discuss safetypolitical topics with selected experts. Beyond that the seminars serve the qualification of the participation within the ranges Rhetorik and medium authority. Seminars and excursion ions as well as lectures of several days in completely Germany are offered. The BSH promotes the scientific argument with safetypolitical questions and publishes this purpose a series of publications in the citizens of Berlin science publishing house, an InterNet publication and the country monitor."

Source: Self-entry in July 2007.

Contact details
Fax:++49 228 2590950
Address: Berlin Berlin
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Related users

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 26, 2007
Modified on July 26, 2007