Women's Academy Munich

Frauenakademie München e.V. (FAM) or Women's Academy, Munich, is an independent, non-profit research institute based in Munich. Its goal is to support women in achieving equal positions in science, economy, politics and the public arena. The major fields of FAM’s activity are research, education, consultancy, networking and lobbying. Its reach is regional, national and international. FAM works in close association with other institutions and individuals particularly in order to disseminate information and results of women and gender studies. Since its foundation in 1984, FAM's research activities have been well recognised especially in the areas of employment research, gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting as well as feminist theory.
Contact details
E-Mail: info@frauenakademie.de
Phone:++49 89 7211881
Address: Baaderstraße 3 80469 München Germany
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
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Entry created by Jagoda Rosul-Gajic on January 30, 2012
Modified on January 30, 2012