Food Industrial Research and Technological Development Company


"The Food Industrial Research and Technological Development Company (ETAT SA) was founded in 1988 on the initiative of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (ΓΓΕΤ) of the Hellenic Ministry of Development.
... The aim of ETAT SA is to provide research, technological and consulting services to enterprises in the sector of Foods and Beverages.
The Company’s strategic goal is to dynamically contribute to the technological modernization of enterprises in the sector, and consequently to the improvement of competitiveness of Greek products and alimentation services and the promotion of applied industrial research and technological innovation both at national and international level.
At European level, the network of collaborators of ETAT SA includes more than 100 equivalent organizations across various European countries. As a member of the Consortium of the Hellenic Innovation Relay Centre, the Company has access to the European Network of IRCs (innovation support organizations) with the participation of 71 IRCs, with which co-operate 240 organizations from 33 countries. The objective of this network is:

  • The interstate transfer of technology and technological innovations and
  • The support of enterprises for the development and exploitation of research results."

Source: ETAT website, as accessed in February 2007.

Contact details
Phone:++30 210 9270040
Fax:++30 210 9270041
Address: 80 Vouliagmenis Ave.117 43 Athens, 117 43 Athens
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Gorgias Garofalakis on February 14, 2007
Modified on February 14, 2007