Ministry of Economy - FYR of Macedonia
The Ministry of Economy of the FYR of Macedonia is the responsible institution for creating and implementing documents and programs regarding: Economic policy, Industrial policy, SME competitiveness and innovation enhancement. There are few departments that are dealing with innovation in different segments.
The department for Industry is responsible for creation and follows up of the implementation of the Industrial Policy of the FYR of Macedonia. This strategic document was adopted by the Government in June 2009, as a proactive and integrated document. There are defined five areas of intervention: applied research and development and innovation, international cooperation and FDI enhancement, eco friendly technologies, products and services, development of SMEs and entrepreneurship, cooperation of clusters and networks. A detailed implementation plan will be created to allow for a successful implementation and coordination of industrial policy. Due to the fact that many competences are within different ministries and institutions, significant coordination and cooperation is necessary. Recently, the Ministerial Committee for Competitiveness and Inter-ministerial expert group was created.
The department for competitiveness and innovation defines support to SMEs in several documents which give the framework for development of the SMEs sector:
- The National Strategy for development of small and medium enterprises;
- Four years and annual Programs with measures and activities for support and development of entrepreneurship, innovation and creation of competition in small and medium enterprises and the
- National reports for the European Charter for Small Enterprises (for the future period Small Business Act).
Those two departments will work jointly in creation of Innovation Score Board and in defining the further detailed implementation schedule related to all areas of intervention within the Industrial Policy including Innovation enhancement.
It is envisaged to involve many other development stakeholders in these activities for further dialogue and consultation.
The leading position in the process related to the coordination of innovation policies and programs will be undertaken by the Head of Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Department and National charter coordinator, Mr. Imerali Baftijari.
- Government/Ministry
Phone:+389 2 3093-408
Address: „Jurij Gagarin“ No.15 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
- Republic of North Macedonia
- General
Entry created by Elke Dall on November 4, 2009
Modified on July 7, 2015