Information and Communication Technologies Chamber of Commerce Skopje


The Chamber of Commerce for Information and Communication Technology - MASIT aims to improve the legal and economic business environment in Macedonia, as well as promotion of the business ethic, creation of the cooperation between the domestic and the foreign institutions, representing and protecting the interest of the ICT companies in Macedonia.

A main goal of the Chamber of Commerce for Information and Communication Technology - MASIT is to create throw operations and concrete activities the following:

  • Development of the market economy, free entrepreneurship and competitiveness in the ICT sector
  • Improvement of the efficiency of work in the ICT business and enhanced training of the ICT skills members
  • Giving competent help to the members in the ICT development, implementing and obtaining of the modern technology of work in the ICT industry and the industry as whole
  • Enhancing of the research and development
  • Achieve appropriate and qualified help for the members with the business services
  • Creation and development of the cooperation with the foreign companies, promotion of the goods and services, presentations on international fairs and cooperation with the other associations in the world
  • Enhancement of the development in the ICT sector
  • Qualified training and qualification of the ICT workers
  • Basic system of communication between domestic and foreign companies on special projects, information of the banking, tax, customs and technology policy in the market
  • Representing the interest of the members in front of the Government, support in the creations of the Low in the ICT sector, taking care of the measures and mechanisms of the economy and macroeconomic policy giving constant information for the changes in the Law for the ICT sector
  • Making and following the work agreements
  • Giving information for the ICT sector
  • Other activities in the member’s interest.

Source: organisations' website (August 26, 2008)

  • Other
Republic of North Macedonia
Contact details
Address:Dimitrie Chupovski 13, 1000 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on August 26, 2008
Modified on April 18, 2012